Wheelchair Excursion Mallorca Part V

In Palma Nova there is a very long promenade which is dragging on over three beaches.
Good floor plates, the wheelchair is rolling and rolling and rolling…

On two of these three beaches there is a special roofed

beach area for handicapped like me and …ehhh… babies…

There is a

beach wheelchair

on each in which you get transferred from your own wheelchair by two nice helpers from the Spanish Red Cross and pulled across the beach into the water.

I knew these special wheelchairs already from Tenerife see older blogpost, but with a water temperature of 15°C I deferred a test series of these models for an indefinite time.

If you are only allowed to use this beach area as wheelchair user when you have got a baby with you???

Translator BL


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One Response to “Wheelchair Excursion Mallorca Part V”

  1. kurt 说é“:

    Wie ich sehe ist das Teil Schwimmfähig somit
    schlage ich den Umbau des Strandrollis vor:

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    Entwicklung des Java Apps für
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    GPS gestützt mit Auto – Rückfahrt (Vollsuff)
    Steuerung der Bierkühlung
    Förderpumpe bei Fasseinsatz

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