3. Addendum: Eigude Shame XVIII

Addendum to blogpost Eigude Shame XVIII from 25.07.12

Other posts: 31.07.12 and 06.08.12

Last week I have heard from my informant in Rödelheim that my favourite sign

Passing prohibited for wheelchair users

at the train station Rödelheim in Frankfurt has been unfortunately removed after three month… sniff… :-(

New sign:


Ramp gradient approx. 10% Use at your own risk!

Photo: Rödelheim Blog und P._

The new ramps still aren’t any less steep, and we hope that the lifts will always be running.

But when these are defective at least we wheelchair users are now allowed with kind approval of the city of Frankfurt and the German railway company to most officially tumble down the 10% ramp “at our own riskâ€.

According to the information of the commissioner for disabled of the city, a flattening of the ramps is not planned.

Allegedly, the ramps would have a floor heating!!!

There is a special blog about the never-ending story of the reconstruction of the train station: Bahnhof-Rödelheim-Blog

Kindly our letter of thanks which was actually referring to the original sign was not removed. Whereas… the text still fits! ;-)

Translator BL

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One Response to “3. Addendum: Eigude Shame XVIII”

  1. 420 281-8 说é“:


    die Rampen haben tatsächlich eine Bodenheizung. Einerseits ist die “Nachrichtenquelle†in http://umbaufrh.wordpress.com/2012/08/20/die-schilder-in-der-presse/#comment-939 zuverlässig und vertrauenswürdig. Andererseits habe ich den Einbau dieser Heizungen ja selbst verfolgt.

    Gruß 420 281-8

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