Addendum Eigude Shame XX

I have really done it!!!

e-mail to the Federal President Mr. Gauck…!!!

After my not-so-nice experience at the book fair in Frankfurt when a bodyguard of our federal president pushed me in my wheelchair out of the way without asking (see blogpost of 14.10.12) I have decided after a day of soul-searching to report this incident to our federal president.

Download as PDF Letter to the federal president


Dear Mister President,

I would like to draw your attention to an incident which happened in connection with your visit to the book fair in Frankfurt on Saturday October 13th, 2012.

I am a wheelchair user and was going around 15:00 hrs from the exit of exhibition hall 3 in the direction of the main plaza when suddenly without prior warning an unknown man grabbed quite ruthless and snappy the handles of my wheelchair and pushed me across the street which was actually closed to traffic.

I was rather in panic, but even shouting didn’t help, the man pushed me further across the street.
It turned out that the man was one of your security forces. You yourself were driving immediately afterwards with your convoy around the corner.

I was very lucky that I didn’t fall out of the wheelchair with this involuntary action because I am sitting in my wheelchair rather unstable due to my quadriplegia (cervical vertebra) and can’t firm up myself with my paralysed legs either.

Additionally I am using, like our minister of Finance, an active wheelchair which stops suddenly even at a small curb due to its construction and the small front tyres, and thus there is the risk for me to be dumped out of my wheelchair. As pushing escort person one should be trained accordingly.

Your staff member most probably would not have been able to hold me back when there would have been only a small curb or similar.

I fell out of my wheelchair in September 2011 the last time.
At this occasion I broke my right shinbone and fibula, spent four weeks in a hospital bed and had to painfully wear an orthosis for five further months, see blogposts on my weblog:

When I addressed your staff member that I didn’t like this conduct I got the reply:

This is the president, it is like it is!!!

Mr. Gauck, I have great respect for your function as federal president, but this statement is not acceptable for me.
I am asking you in person to have your security staff trained and sensitized especially in interaction with disabled people.

A possible “accidentâ€, how it could have happened, cannot be in your interest.
I am completely at your disposal in case of further enquiries or in advisory capacity.
Awaiting your reply.


Steffen Löw

Translator BL

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One Response to “Addendum Eigude Shame XX”

  1. Susanne 说é“:

    Ich hoffe für Dich, dass Du Dein Schreiben mit…. zu Händen… verfasst hast, denn sonst landet das Schreiben garantiert nicht auf dem Tisch des Bundespräsidenten sondern bei irgendeinem seiner Angestellten.

    Mir passiert es permanent, dass man mich entweder herumschiebt, ohne vorher zu fragen, oder mir in den Einkaufswagen greift, um mir die Einkäufe in die Tüten zu befördern. Alles ohne mich zu fragen….

    Ein Bodyguard eines bekannten US-Sängers hat mich auch mal schnappen wollen, um mich ins hinterste Eck der Halle zu befördern. Dagegen hab ich lautstark protestiert und die anderen Zuschauer hatten dann soviel Mut, mir beizustehen. Der US-Sänger kam nach dem Konzert noch zu mir, um sich dafür zu entschuldigen. Gut so!
    Gruss Susanne

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