Frankfurt is spinning the wheel

Back from hospital after 4 weeks!!!

Traditionally the 1st of May obligates everyone in Frankfurt to get on their bikes and watch the cyclists during the bicycle race which takes place since 53 years in this area.

Bicycle is a must because half of the city centre is closed anyway, and there is no way to get through with a car.

The plaza in front of the “Alte Oper” (old opera house) in between the Frankfurt bank towers is the main plaza of this event with booths and live music.

It is quite funny when you are cruising around as only hand cycle in between all the cyclists and pedestrians.

As already reported, from

28.06. – 07.07.2013

under the slogan “Frankfurt is spinning the wheel” the

European Wheelchair Basketball Championship

of women and men takes place in Frankfurt. (see older blogpost).

I have my ticket for all matches since 2 weeks.

On one of the booths I met gold medal winner Maria Kühn of the wheelchair basketball team Mainhatten Skywheelers, who promoted the European championship in Frankfurt.

She directly fed me with plenty of flyers.

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One Response to “Frankfurt is spinning the wheel”

  1. Michael Pfeffer 说道:

    Also echt Steffen, toll was Du so alles erlebst und mit einer echten Goldmedallien Trägerinn,hat man auch nicht alle Tage. Bin froh das einige so viel Erfoge trotz Ihrer Behinderung haben.
    Bei mir reduziert sich das auch auf das Radel fahren und das bereitet mir auch viel Spaß.

    Lieber Steffen hab Du auch viel Spaß bei ” Frank fort dreht am Rad” und wir hörn voneinander.

    Rolli Gruß , Michael
    Gelnhausen,02.Mai 2013

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