Wheelchair Tuning Part XIX Competitor


In the land of opportunity I have discovered it.

The chain-drive

Off-Road Wheelchair, Type: Renegade.

Whether on sand, snow, dirt road or creek bed, with this hell of a chair you get through almost every terrain.

Unbelievable, but true, watch the VIDEOS.
The wheelchair has a 7 gear hub in the driving wheels.

It has winter accessories, with

snow chains, blades

and a

snow shovel,

to clear the gateway from snow. The

fishing rod holder

is rather funny I think, but the

gun holder

beats almost everything I have seen so far.

The price is fair, the basic model is available as of 4500$.

One time with this thing through the city of Frankfurt!!!
If the gun has a medical device number?

Source: Renegade USA

Translator BL

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