“Die Maus”
(translator’s note: The Mouse, a popular character from German kids TV) escorts me since 2,5 years, already at the time when I was still in hospital, back on my rucksack, in my wheelchair life.
Meanwhile I also have the Mouse as figurehead and a Mouse-toolkit on my hand cycle.
Two people from the Aids foundation have pinned an Aids ribbon on it a couple of weeks ago.
My wife has even baked Mouse muffins and Mouse cakes for me.
The Mouse can witness everything what I have experienced.
It will be 40 years this year.
Because I am also facing the 40 and even Wiki couldn’t reveal to me who is older I went to the homepage and have asked the Mouse itself.
The editorial office has sent a very nice e-mail to me.
According to my opinion the exact age of the Mouse should not be concealed.
Extract from this e-mail:
Because the Mouse has entered the world already on March 7th 1971 while you have set foot on this planet as new arrival only 6 months later, the Mouse is clearly the older one.
Of course I had to report this to you.
I am asking to put the date in your calendars and wish the Mouse a happy birthday on March 7th.
Translator BL
Tags: Handcycle, Maus (Mouse), Wheelchair Bag, Sport