Posts Tagged ‘Teddy’

Feedback on the shinbone fracture

Tuesday, November 8th, 2011


2 months after the involuntary flight show from my wheelchair during which I broke my shinbone (see older blogposts as of 06.09.2011) I was yesterday at the

X-Ray check-up.

X-rays from 06.09.2011 / 29.09.2011 / 08.11.2011

Since my accident 4 years ago I was x-rayed so often that I meanwhile have an
“Inner Glow” !!

That the fracture is healing very slowly due to my spinal cord injury is nothing new, but even for me this is “going” a bit too slow.

To my question to the doc if I could maybe leave the orthosis out at least at night I got the reply:

Well…, if it’s cracking, you have to wear the orthosis longer.

When the doc is right, he’s right…!!!

Everything is going to be alright!

I have decided to stay calm and to “sit it out”.

Translator BL

Wheelchair Tuning Part XXVII

Saturday, October 29th, 2011


The instruction of my chief physician to rest my injured leg in an elevated position meanwhile causes sleepless nights for me.

Because the special

rented tank wheelchair

with foldaway footrests is innavigable for me and far too big I am already thinking since the time in hospital how I could realize to mount something on my wheelchair so that I can permanently rest my leg elevated, but also bend it.

I got the tip several times to put a wooden board below my cushion. Everybody who was ever sitting on a rocker knows where that ends.

Yesterday morning I woke up after a leg-elevation nightmare and miraculously I had a foldaway, removable footrest from my tank wheelchair on my everyday wheelchair. Strange things happen…???
I was very much delighted, a miracle, it must have something to do with Halloween.

First active wheelchair oft he world with fixed and foldaway foot rests


I would never dare to drill holes into my medcial supply store wheelchair. ;-)

Translator BL

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks XXVIII

Thursday, February 10th, 2011


With a height of 2,38 m, width of 1.5 m and depth of 60 cm really a lot fits into a bedroom closet.
(Back in time I transported it as construction kit in my VW Golf 2).

I have quite a couple of shirts.
The bad thing with this closet is that I can’t reach up there anyway with my 1,38 m sitting in the wheelchair. With this depth I don’t see much either what is hidden in there. The attempt to get something out of the closet from behind probably results in an involuntary wheelchair-floor-transfer.
Down in the closet it’s not better either.

With the usual shelves a pile of 15 shirts remains for selection in the end. These fall out of the closet, or you have to rely on your assistant’s taste.
(I don’t like “pink T-shirts”).

The Swedish plywood constructors offer with their

Modular system “Pax”

drawers in the closet.
Now everything is within reach even from a wheelchair and you can also reach the shirts in the back of the closet which are usually inaccessible.

Beware of the polar bear!
(He is watching over me since my accident 2007).

Translator BL

Medizinische Sensation!

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

Neuste Erkenntnisse haben ergeben,
dass Plüschtiere ähnlich wie Haustiere,
ihrem Besitzer mit der Zeit
immer ähnlicher werden
und daher die Erkrankungen ihrer
Besitzer mitleiden.
Hier ein Beispiel anhand eines Teddys,
dessen Herrchen durch einen Unfall
zum Tetraplegiker* (Teddy) wurde:

Trauriger Blick,
kippt ständig nach vorne,
der Oberköper sackt zusammen,
er bekommt einen dicken Bauch,
die Armsehnen, verkĂĽrzen sich,
SpitzfĂĽĂźe entstehen,
und Druckstellen sind zu befĂĽrchten!

*RĂĽckenmarksschaden im Halswirbelbereich