Wheelchair Tuning Part XXVI


Especially with the current rainy weather conditions the maintenance of the wheelchair shouldn’t be neglected.

The driving wheels get wet, and the axes could rust. According to my opinion the driving wheels should be removed from the wheelchair latest every 4 weeks. Clean the axes with a piece of cloth and lubricate with grease or machine oil. If this is not done regularly the axes can run dry. When these are free of grease

surface rust

could be generated on the axes, which could be stuck to such an extent that the wheels might not be separated from the wheelchair any more.

If this dark brown film is already on the axes it shouldbe removed from the axes, otherwise it could bring the greatest difficulties the next time when the wheels should be put on or pulled off the wheelchair.

The dark brown film can be removed with a knife, steel brush or best with emery paper.

When the axes are blank again, oil or grease them anew, and the wheelchair is fit again.

As you can see from the picture this happened to me as well!

Translator BL

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One Response to “Wheelchair Tuning Part XXVI”

  1. Karla Maier says:

    Da Flugrost Schrotthändler magisch anzieht,
    werden ihm „Blitzeblank“ und „Glänzefix“ beigemischt.
    Diese beiden Produkte der
    BASF-Lösemittel- und Industriegiftaufbereitungs AG
    verhindern die Korrosion aufgrund Bildung
    einer Arsenoxidschicht, welche den Flugrost am Landen
    und den Schrotthändler am Angrabschen hindert.

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