Eigude Shame XXIX


Unbelievable – or Tough Stuff

A few months ago I was scheduled to be transferred out of the rehab facility in the Taunus (behind the seven hills where the seven dwarfs lived) back to the hospital in Frankfurt from which I came 6 weeks ago. I was to undergo a special examination named Angiography, a procedure during which one can actually watch his or her own brain function live at work. The transfer service was ordered a few days before with the request “sitting in own wheelchair”. I had already had my bags packed the day before (you wouldn’t believe what all accumulates in 6 weeks!) I cleared my small single room for dismissal at 8:00 AM because it would be reassigned right away.

The next morning at 7:20 two nurses stormed into my room and told me slightly stressed that the shuttle would take off half an hour earlier, which was in 10 minutes! Of course, I couldn’t insist on the 2 drivers delaying their contractually assured breakfast break. After a short handling, also called basic care (I felt like at the Pitstop at a Formula 1 race) the transfer service showed up – but of course, with a stretcher. There was not enough room in the vehicle for me sitting in my wheelchair. Oh well, I had “only” told them about five times! Well…uh… bad. After a successful arrival in Frankfurt I was seated back in my wheelchair and the drivers checked me in at the emergency room of the hospital. I waited patiently while the drivers cleared the field. After approximately 10 minutes a staff member approached and mentioned that I was quite early.

My comment: not that bad, 8:45.

She: ONE WEEK!!!

Those “luminaries” from the rehab clinic, whose priority apparently is not the well fare of the patient, kicked me out an entire week early! Fortunately, the hospital had a bed available and granted me asylum for the time being.

Translator BW

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2 Responses to “Eigude Shame XXIX”

  1. Ulrich K says:

    Klingt nach der Firma G… aus F…., die unseren Sohn Florian jeden Tag zur Schule fährt (Liegendtransport). Neulich war die Liege kaputt und konnte nur mit einer von uns geliehenen Wasserpumpenzange wieder befestigt werden.

  2. Rollinator says:

    Hallo Ulrich,
    den Namen der Firma weiß ich nicht, ich habe allerdings auch keinen größeren Wert darauf gelegt diesen zu erfahren.
    Viele GrĂĽĂźe

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