Simply Great Part V – PR Blog


At this stage I would like to thank Mr. Bock, the owner of a travel agency specialized on wheelchair travels. I had already booked various trips there. In December during our first personal conversion (it was about the details of a reservation) he had the idea to introduce my blog on the travel agency’s newsletter. There are some thousand people on his distribution list, so it should be possible to help effected people. He also employs a wheelchair user and knows about our challenges and projects. Such a PR would be nice!

Of course I am quite taken with such conversations, but unfortunately usually there are rarely results.

On Saturday I received the January newsletter!

There it was, the first Rollinator PR Blog, and the whole thing without any more discussions, great thing!

** client offers advice for free

Internet – Steffen L., wheelchair user and **client, writes in his Blog “Eigude” about odd experiences from everyday life and innovative ideas for wheelchair users:

“News from the Rollinator” – this title shines above the comprehensive Web-Blog of Steffen L. The hobby internet editor is in a wheelchair only since 2007, but in this short time he has collected already a considerable amount of information.

“When you, sitting in a wheelchair, have left the hospital or the rehab the drama begins. You are left on your own, and everybody has to re-invent the wheel to manage everyday life.”
“Therefore this blog with a lot of tips and tricks.”

Interested persons can find the website
As expert for individual technical aids solutions the author offers advice for free!

** Contact details of the travel agency can be requested as usual on

More than 150 clicks in 24 hours, uff…

Translator BL

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2 Responses to “Simply Great Part V – PR Blog”

  1. Jo says:

    Hi Steve,

    Hoffe, Euer Urlaub war schön… Freut mich, dass es Menschen gibt, die Deinen Blog “link” behandeln und dabei auch noch fĂĽr noch mehr Clicks sorgt… :-)
    Kommst Du am 06.03. In den Sinkkasten?

    Liebe GrĂĽĂźe Dein BrĂĽderchen

  2. Karl Bock says:

    Hallo Herr Löw,

    super, dass unser Newsletter Ihnen ein paar Besucher beschert hat! Dann ist die Ăśberraschung ja geglĂĽck ;-)

    Liebe GrĂĽĂźe aus dem sonningen Steinhagen!

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