Technical Aids Tips und Tricks XLI


After a few months in the hospital you get on rather friendly terms with nurses and physicians.

Of course a little piece of humour belongs to it as well.

If one as quadriplegic (spinal injury in the cervical area) like me can’t use arms and hands in an efficient way any more, spaghetti are not the favourite type of pasta.

One day the nurse came with the lunch, it was spaghetti, put it on my bedside table and was waiting for my comment if he could cut the pasta for me.

He was waiting for the comment in vain. I tried to eat these long objects by myself, have to see it sportingly, luckily I was not hungry…

It was a perfect show!!!

At some time a physician came into the room and watched this scenario with the pasta and me slightly grinning, but didn’t propose to cut the pasta neither, and I wasn’t keen on asking her.

I said to her that next time when the food is spaghetti again I would be motorised. I would only need two tie wraps to fix a fork. But had the suspicion that my milk frother would be a little bit too fast. We both had some fun. She didn’t seriously believe the thing about motorisation.

I only thought: You don’t know me!!!

Have a look yourself, one week later the

9,5 Volt Spaghetti Tetra Fork

About risks and generated injuries please contact your physician, nurse or nearest do-it-yourself-store staff.

Addendum: Construction manual for spaghetti tetra bit by popular request.

Saw a standard fork off and forge it flat. Really flat.

Saw approx. 5 cm off an M6 Allen key and weld it lengthwise to the fork stump. Not to the tine, I know it can happen!!!

Polish the welding seam with a one hand angle grinder. If possible keep a little bit of the welding.

Balance the bit at low speed on a drill press with a rubber mallet like a car tyre. Placing additional weight is not absolutely necessary.

Buy a cordless electric screwdriver with very low rotation speed, otherwise the special fork can be used to whip cream.

Boil spaghetti, and it’s done.

Safety instruction: Don’t start screwdriver with fork brought into the mouth, otherwise only the dentist will be happy.

Have fun with dotting your flat red!

Translator BL

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2 Responses to “Technical Aids Tips und Tricks XLI”

  1. Rolling Robo says:

    Jawoll!!! Genau so kenne ich dich.
    Hab das Video ein paar Teddies gezeigt, die sind begeistert.
    Mein Akkuschrauber kann auch schlagbohr. Damit müsste sich die Soße schön gleichmäßig auf Gesicht, Hände, Bett und Pfleger(in) verteilen lassen, *GGG*

  2. rehuwy says:

    Ich bin nach Sportunfall seit 40 Jahren Paraplegiker – man sagt ich sei sehr gut in Handarbeiten jeglicher Art und Gelegenheit, aber Einige Deiner Hilfsmittel – vielen voran die Spaghettigabel! sind obertopp – gratuliere!

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