Insider Tips for Disabled Parking Place Occupiers


It happens again and again that a normal ignorant disabled parking place occupying pedestrian is verbally dissed by some random hobbling or wheelchair driving disabled people, only because he is parking with his Land Rover or Cabriolet on a disabled parking place.

They shouldn’t make such a fuss, they are almost all retired anyway, are paid by the general public and have enough time to look for another parking place.

To avoid such disputes in the future and keep on pursuing his God-given right to unchallengedly park on a disabled parking place, the association of

“European Disabled Parking Place Occupiers”

has released some internal tips for the procedure of

“Blue Parking”.

1. You need a disabled parking permit.

The copying of valid permits should be avoided due to falsification of documents. Laminating of blue papers or blue student ID cards didn’t show the desired success.

It is the easiest to look for a senile relative. If you unfortunately don’t have an ideally comatose granny, a visit in the nearest nursing home is necessary. There you are looking for an inhabitant in a wheelchair with Oldsheimer, for whom you become the so-called disabled parking partner. The necessary handicapped ID with the walking disability entry usually lies in the left drawer of the cabinet. Let the person sign the in the download area available application form, or sign yourself. After approximately 4 weeks you receive by mail a blue valid “parking permit for disabled person”. Then the first step is completed.

2. The correct leaving of the car

When you have parked quasi “legally” on a disabled parking place, you shouldn’t jump out of the car like an 18-year-old and walk away. It all depends on the correct technique in leaving the car, as not to be revealed as non-disabled. Always carry a sad face, or best the model: I am displeased with the whole situation!

How to leave the car “not in perfection” can be watched in the following video from our American member Homer.
He is still getting off too fast, his timing is not right yet. His wailing look in connection with the quite good hobbling appears a bit overacted. This can be improved with a little bit of practice. The variant to park like Homer on several disabled parking places at the same time increases the credibility that one is disabled, but can lead to misinterpretations.

If all these tips are taken to heart, parking in front of the opera or the town house should always be possible, if not another member of the association is already parking on it.

Translator BL

It happens again and again that a normal ignorant disabled parking place occupying pedestrian is verbally dissed by some random hobbling or wheelchair driving disabled people, only because he is parking with his Land Rover or Cabriolet on a disabled parking place.

They shouldn’t make such a fuss, they are almost all retired anyway, are paid by the general public and have enough time to look for another parking place.

To avoid such disputes in the future and keep on pursuing his God-given right to unchallengedly park on a disabled parking place, the association of

“European Disabled Parking Place Occupiers”

has released some internal tips for the procedure of

“Blue Parking”.

1. You need a disabled parking permit.

The copying of valid permits should be avoided due to falsification of documents. Laminating of blue papers or blue student ID cards didn’t show the desired success.

It is the easiest to look for a senile relative. If you unfortunately don’t have an ideally comatose granny, a visit in the nearest nursing home is necessary. There you are looking for an inhabitant in a wheelchair with Oldsheimer, for whom you become the so-called disabled parking partner. The necessary handicapped ID with the walking disability entry usually lies in the left drawer of the cabinet. Let the person sign the in the download area available application form, or sign yourself. After approximately 4 weeks you receive by mail a blue valid “parking permit for disabled person”. Then the first step is completed.

2. The correct leaving of the car

When you have parked quasi “legally” on a disabled parking place, you shouldn’t jump out of the car like an 18-year-old and walk away. It all depends on the correct technique in leaving the car, as not to be revealed as non-disabled. Always carry a sad face, or best the model: I am displeased with the whole situation!

How to leave the car “not in perfection” can be watched in the following video from our American member Homer.
He is still getting off too fast, his timing is not right yet. His wailing look in connection with the quite good hobbling appears a bit overacted. This can be improved with a little bit of practice. The variant to park like Homer on several disabled parking places at the same time increases the credibility that one is disabled, but can lead to misinterpretations.

If all these tips are taken to heart, parking in front of the opera or the town house should always be possible, if not another member of the association is already parking on it.

Translator BL


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3 Responses to “Insider Tips for Disabled Parking Place Occupiers”

  1. Rolling Robo says:

    Die Variante mit dem weißen Stock und der dunklen Brille erfreut sich ebenfalls wachsender Beliebtheit. Sie ist leicht erlernbar und erfordert wenig Vorbereitungszeit. Wichtig dabei ist allerdings, dass der Beifahrer diese ausführt. Ein Fahrer, der sich mit weißem Stock zu seinem Fahrzeug tastet, könnte möglicherweise bei den Ordnungskräften ein leises Befremden auslösen.

  2. kurt says:

    ich habe mich zu diesem Zweck mit einem gebrauchten Rolli aus einem Reha Unternehmen in Ffm versorgt die ganze Sache wirkt jetzt ĂĽberaus glaubhaft , gebraucht wird das gute StĂĽck ja nur die 50-100m bis zum Eingang des Supermarktes.
    Die Nutzung als Einkaufswagen ist in Folge überaus hilfreich zumal man keinen Euro benötigt und den Wagen nach erfolgtem Einkauf keine 300m zurückschieben muss.
    Um die neue Bereifung die ja zeitweise vonnöten ist sicherzustellen sollte man einen Plastikbecher mit der Aufschrift DANKE an der Mobilen Einheit befestigen.
    Es lohnt sich…………………

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