I heard that disabled parking permits can virtually vanish into thin air and can’t be found in the car anymore.
They possibly fall into black holes. Partial drifts in the space-time continuum are nothing unusual anyway.
Everybody knows it when you are looking for something, can’t find it, and suddenly it is back again.
As rumour has it, the permits are also stolen at night by SUV and cabriolet driving pedestrians.
But there is also the variant that the permit has never left the vehicle.
The permit is not gone, you just don’t see it any more…!!!
The permits are laminated in plastic foil and therefore quite slippery. Apply the brakes forcefully a couple of times, and the parking permit vanishes rapidly between front screen and dashboard like in a letter box.
Then a good fisherman or the new application for the VIP permit is required!!!
I can’t advise the extraction of the car dashboard to anyone, something is always creaking afterwards.
It’s absolutely clear that most of the people with walking disability have fixed their parking permits in their cars in some way.
But if you are regularly taken along by different people in their cars the parking permit should stay removable and can’t be fixed with a “final solutionâ€.
OK…, it could…!!!
As “final solution†I recommend to adhere the permit to the windscreen with a special glue which hardens under ultraviolet light (the sun will help), e.g. Loctite 30xx.
A theft of the parking permit is only possible including the screen then.
If I am on the road with a friend in his car, I made the experience that the dashboard jump for my permit is nothing unusual.
The easiest way is to stick some self-adhesive rubber pads or non-slip mat underneath the permit, or to put it like in the picture below in a thick cover.
The non-slip mat is available in the do-it-yourself store around the corner in car accessories or from the company Dycem, (see older blogposts Technical Aids for Quadriplegics Part I und Part IV), who makes very good technical aids which I have tested myself.
This special English disabled parking disc is good for maximum 3 hours parking, presumably like in Germany in restricted parking zones, is new to me.
I am currently thinking about illuminating my disabled parking permit with a LED matrix as you can see on television if a new CD is presented.
Click on tag “Handicap Parking to read other nice stories!
Translator BL
Tags: Handicap Parking, Frankfurt, Greifen, Hilfsmittel
Für Pakete gibt es transparente Dokumententaschen zum Aufkleben.
Die machen sich gut in der Windschutzscheibe, natürlich ausserhalb des Sichtfeldes.
Da kannst du prima die laminierte Parkkarte deponieren und sie haut in der Kurve nicht ab.
Musst du nur von außen fotografieren und ab und zu dem Ordnungsamt schicken.
Manche Politessen haben da ne leichte Sehstörung.
Bei meinem Großvater hab ich einfach eine Tasche aus zwei relativ steifen Folien und vier Saugnäpfen gebastelt. Der Parkausweis läßt sich jederzeit leicht rausholen, hält aber durch die vier Saugnäpfe auch an jeder beliebigen Windschutzscheibe, ohne den Abflug zu proben. Läßt sich durch die Saugnäpfe eben auch leicht von Auto zu Auto mitnehmen.
Wenn du willst, kann ich dir gerne mal ein Foto zukommen lassen.
Hallo Chris,
klingt gut Dein Halter, an Fotos von guten Ideen habe ich immer Interesse.
Ich würde sie dann beim Artikel mitveröffentlichen, wenn Du nichts dagegen hättest.
Schau Dir einmal den Parkausweishalter an, siehe Nachtrag, den habe ich derzeit im Auto.