Wheelchair Ramp Occupier
I have currently started to write a few new blogposts.
But these have to wait to be published, because what happened yesterday has to be told…
When I bought a flat back in 2005 still as pedestrian together with my wife and a friendly bank, a parking place directly opposite the entrance was included for a little surcharge as well.
Awesome… Our own parking place in Frankfurt!!!
Unfortunately the parking place is too narrow for me to transfer from the wheelchair into the car, so that I have applied for and got a disabled parking place in the street (see older blogposts).
I have a lot of visitors like physiotherapists, friends and other people who are helping me with various things.
They probably only come that often to use my parking place…
I have a good relationship with all my neighbours.
One of them owns a couple of taxis which are sometimes parked in our courtyard or street a little unconventionally during driver change, especially when he has new drivers.
Last week at least three times such a beige vehicle was standing on my labelled parking place (see lifter picture), and this even when I had a visitor on Sunday morning, when you don’t know anyway where to park your car!!!
When I met my neighbour on the same day I told him in round terms to tell his drivers that I don’t want to see one of his taxis on my parking place any more.
Yesterday on Friday I descended with my
platform lifter
from my flat in the 1st floor and wanted to leave the house on my Flower Ramp (see older blogposts).
My low blood pressure was healed promptly.
I don’t tend to hyperventilate, but yesterday it was almost the case.
After about 2 minutes and the photo I had calmed down again a little and rang at my
Wheelchair Ramp Occupier:
I should mention as well that no car was parking on my parking place.
Translator BL
Tags: Handicap Parking, Flower Ramp, Curbs, Frankfurt, Neighbour, Ramp, Home
frag doch mal ganz blöd deinen rechtsverständigen wie es mit einer unterlassungserklärung mit abmahnung und/oder ähnlichen aussieht?
ggf könnte da lt internetz dann auch eine konventionalstafe abfallen….
wenn gezahlt werden muß, wird bestimmt drauf geachtet….
Hi Michel,
ich haue selten gleich mit dem ganz graßen Knüppel drauf, wenn mir so etwas passiert.
Ich versuche ruhig zu bleiben und eher die Leute aufzuklären und für unsere Anliegen, wie z.B. die Behindertenparkplatzthematik zu sensibilisieren. Ruhig zu bleiben, nann auch ich manchmal nicht.
Wenn ich es schaffen solllte, meinen taxifahrenden Nachbar und seine Fahrer so weit zu bringen, das sie unsere B-Parkplätze achten, wäre uns viel mehr geholfen….
Die Hoffnung stirb bekanntlich zuletzt…aber man weiß ja nie
in der Ruhe liegt die Kraft
Steht mal einer mit sonderparkerlaubnis an einem taxihalteplatz
Ist das Geschrei groß
Eigude Kurt,
Der Spruch ist absolute Lüge….
Ich weiß aus eigener Erfahrung, wie schnell die Kraft nachlässt!!! :’-(
Ok du hast ja recht wenn das mit meinem Haxen so weitergeht können wir demnächst gemeinsam Rally fahren