Technical Aids Tips and Tricks XLVIII


Rehacare 2012 Part I

The Rehacare fair which takes place once a year in DĂĽsseldorf is a must for each wheeler.

There you can see more or less everything you can imagine relating to technical aids and medical devices.

Starting with wheelchair manufacturers, hand cycles, ski, bath equipment, car customizing, help for everyday life, travel agencies for handicapped, etc, etc, etc,…

Unfortunately I couldn’t go to the fair last year. As is known I had left my wheelchair involuntarily and broken my right leg (see older blogpost).

Currently the absolute highlight in the wheelchair area is the Genny.

The Genny

Basically it is nothing different than a “Segway” in wheelchair variant.

A Segway is this 2-wheel-vehicle on which you can drive around standing as pedestrian, and which meanwhile even the police is using.

The wheelchair variant is distributed only since August 2012 from the Suisse company Gennymobility in Germany.

Due to the big tyres uneven grounds or holes are no problem anymore.

This is mobility!!!

Watch the video how you can speed with the Genny along the beach as a wheeler, this vehicle is awesome…

I was hoping that I would be able to test this special wheelchair. This was one of the main reasons for me visiting the fair this year. I was very lucky that I only had to wait for around 15 minutes.

After I was eventually sitting on the vehicle the kind lady on the picture below was telling me that we quadriplegics are not allowed to drive with the Genny due to missing stability of the upper part of the body, we might fall down!

Uh,… I especially brought my belt from home.

Then she said it was not allowed to buckle up so that one doesn’t get hurt when the Genny falls over.

No,… I wanted to get started with it,… this is not easy to understand, these Swiss people are crazy…!!!

Well, after short discussion in Italian without me at the booth they were gracious, and I was allowed to get cruising under supervision, like everyone else.

The handling is very easy, by bending forward you start, by leaning backwards the lady Genny stops or drives backwards.

The handle bar is for steering, what else. With a bit of training it is possible without problems to turn on the spot.

The driving experience reminded me a lot of skiing, what made me cry a little bit as formerly obsessed skier, amazing…

According to my opinion the wheelchair Segway, in which variant ever, will make its way as variant of an electric wheelchair due to its easy, comfortable and speedy driving manner and in spite of its size, weight and high purchase price.

The “Genny” is still a vehicle for physically fit wheelers. We will have to wait a bit longer until it will get a technical aid for us “tired warriors”, but it’s a beginning!

If they wouldn’t have let me start, I would have gone on “sit-down strike” on the vehicle ;-)

Translator BL


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One Response to “Technical Aids Tips and Tricks XLVIII”

  1. Rollinator says:

    Kommentar eines Rolli-Segway- Interessierten!!!

    Der im Filmbeitrag von Genny gezeigt Flitzer kostet mal ganz entspannte 15950 Euro (netto) Diese Infos habe ich aus dem ital. Stammwerk erhalten.

    Vielleicht eine Alternative ist der MobilityCube UmbauKit auf der Basis eines Segway. Kostet 3.800,00 €! Der Kunde bringt entweder einen Segway mit oder wir besorgen einen Segway.

    Das Besorgen eines Segway kostet dann:

    von Segway Neu 7.900,00 €
    von Segway gebraucht 6.600,00 €
    Wir veranlassen die Einzelabnahme beim TÜV vor. Kosten 385,00 €. STVZO – Beleuchtung 50,00 €.
    Wahlweise können die Kunden die Originalreifen gegen Reifen der Fa. Axperts tauschen. . Meist entsteht ein Aufpreis von ca. 420,00 € bis 450,00 € …
    So deren Antwort.

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