I Love Home Improvement Stores


Last week it was time again….

Since September 2008 I am back home after my accident.
These are around 1600 days.

I guess that I am rolling in my wheelchair at least 5 times a day into the kitchen and out again.
This results in the following pressure load calculation:

1600 days x 5 rides (kitchen) x 2 (in and out) x 2 (front + back tyres) =

32000 doorsill crossings.

This is hard work for the

aluminium bar doorsill.

To make it short, the bar has had it, and I went to the do-it-yourself store to buy a new one.

They really had the same type still available which makes the replacement very easy, but “just” in the 2 meter version.

Of course I couldn’t reach the bar in the back of the shelf. Probably it was an employees meeting at the same time, because the service counter of the shop was empty.

I didn’t find a do-it-yourself craftsman from the shop who could have given me the bar or even sawn it through.

Another customer helped me to get the 2 meter bar out of the shelf and put it vertically into my wheelchair bag so that I didn’t have to ride through the shop like Don Quixote with the lance.

It certainly looked funny when I rode with the flagpole directly to the cashier at the exit.

Another customer was already served there.

I am still sorry that the cashier woman had to get up to scan the barcode of the bar.

I forbade myself the question if she could possibly help me with the wheelchair flagpole to my car.

No reaction from her side… this must have looked so unbelievable ridiculous,… I had to refrain from laughing so much, but remained dead serious and paid. I was served 100% correctly.

Then she uttered a “security advice” after all, I am sure I won’t hear these words too soon again:

You don’t fit through the door with your size!!!

Correct… good visual judgement…

The other customer grinned, offered his help immediately and brought the bar to my car, thanks again.

Translator BL

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5 Responses to “I Love Home Improvement Stores”

  1. rolling robo says:

    Das verleiht dem Ausdruck “betriebsblind” eine vollkommen neue Bedeutung ;-)

  2. Kurt says:

    du kommst mit deiner “Latte” also nicht duch die Tür im Baumarkt …..Respekt !

  3. Kurt says:

    1 PS ist in DIN 66036 definiert als die Leistung, die erbracht werden muss, um einen Körper der Masse m = 75 kg entgegen dem Schwerkraftfeld der Erde (bei Erdbeschleunigung 9,80665 m/s²) mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 1 m/s zu bewegen
    so nun rechne mal…………..

  4. Norbert says:


    warum hast Du nicht eine Säge ausprobiert und das Ding vor auf Mass schneiden lassen ?

    Bin selbst Rollifahrer im ” schönen” Frankfurt und kenne die behindertenfreundlichkeit der hiesigen Bevölkerung.



  5. Rollinator says:

    Eigude Norbert,

    ich kann über unsere Mitbürger nicht viel negatives sagen, ichbekomme viel Hilfe angeboten.

    War ein Baumarkt “nicht” in Frankfurt…wie geschrieben waren die “Helfen Hände” vermutlich alle in einer Betriebsversammlung, die Warterei war mir zu blöd…!!!

    Ich kann mit meinen krummen Fingern keine keine Säge mehr halten, ich hätte es ja mal mit durchbeißen versuchen können. ;-)

    Wo wohnste denn, schreib doch mal ne PN an: rollinator@eigude.de

    Teddygruß Steffen

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