5 months ago, I have already posted about a “disabling”, new disabled toilet in a hospital (see older blogpost).
At that time, I criticised among other things that nobody had unwound the emergency cord.
It is rather bad when you are lying on the floor after a wheelchair-floor-transfer while trying to transfer from wheelchair to toilet and then your are not able to reach the alarm.
In case of emergency you can’t open the door from the inside either because wisely the door lock is mounted at 1,50 m. Probably designer model “Dirk Nowitzki”.
I am not so experienced about industry standards in the area of accessible building, but I would be surprised if such a high installation height of a door lock is allowed. Whereas… the thought is not so far off…!!!
Even wheelchair test person “Detective” had difficulties with the door lock!
I had pointed out the “trifle” with the emergency cord already several times, but it had not been unwound within 4 months anyway. I couldn’t reach the knot up there, otherwise I would have done it myself.
When I complained at a therapist – let’s call her “Work-out” – on 22.04.2013 again about the emergency cord with the Gordian knot she immediately took care of the problem and unknotted the cord. Thanks again from this side.
The appearance of the tetra pot belly had to be alienated out of proprietary reasons.
As you can see on the next picture, there are other disabled toilets in this hospital with door locks in Hobbit height.
Actually it’s my own fault… I am too small… If I really make an effort I might still grow a bit and can then reach the 1,50 m door lock…!!
Translator BL
Tags: Bathroom, Disabled Toilet, Frankfurt, Hospital
mir ging es mal aehnlich als ich das 1. Mal auf Mallorca war…
waehrend eines Einkaufs in einem grossen Zentrum musste ich mal ganz schnell (dank Ajoli) auf den Pott, tolle Behindertentoilette ganz in Marmor und mit Musikberieselung, leider haben die Spanier in ihrem Ueberschwang saemtliche Halter und Stuetzen verbaut die es zu kaufen gibt, sehr schick in Edelstahl, leider kam man dadurch als Rolli nicht mehr an die Kloschuessel ran
weitere Details erspar ich euch *gggg
Gruss an den ollen Robert wenn du ihn siehst…