Eigude Shame VI


My hand cycle chain was yelling for oil or grease.
This wish was my command, and I purchased a bottle of

German multi-purpose grease with the little chimney sweaper.

The top of the bottle was regularly cut off so that it was still possible to close it.
Now it was all squeezing, squeezing, squeezing…
The quantity of grease “wormed“ out of the bottle was comparable with the secretion of a


25 kg per year, corresponding to 2,85 g per hour.
The hole at the top of the bottle was way too small.

The chain remained dry to avoid a major mess.

At enquiry at the supplier (among professionals I am already called a notorious complainer) why a bottle supposed for oil is filled with grease, and how I could get the grease onto my chain, I received the following technically mature reply:

In your case we recommend to enlarge the hole by cutting off the top a little below.
Should you then still have difficulties with the usage of the product please get in touch with us.

Thereupon two valium, and everything is fine, isn’t it?
Don’t give me that!

Translator BL

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One Response to “Eigude Shame VI”

  1. sbremer says:

    Du solltest auf jeden Fall noch nachfragen, wie sich die Flasche dann
    verschliessen lässt. Mann weis ja nie!


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