Ingenious: A cooling vest which only needs water!
My spinal cord has decided in 2007 that sweating is stupid.
Since then my skin is quite dry
This phenomenon is nothing unusual with para- or quadriplegia.
As a consequence my body temperature rises and rises when it is above 25° C and sun.
This can lead until fainting at approximately 40° C.
A water sprayer for flowers can work miracles (see older blog post), but is not the best solution either.
There are special cooling vests, with thermal packs or fans, well… I think it is too complicated, and you are depending on thermal packs and refrigerators. So I prefer hiding at home and waiting for the winter.
In May I met Sepp Jakober on a technical aids trade fair, the chief engineer of the wheelchair tractive Swisstrac who gave me tuning tips for my Minitrac.
He gave me a vest from the company E-Cooline and said that I would absolutely have to try it. He borrowed it from another booth.
The vest would cool you, you just have to put water on it, the water would not flow out, hard to believe!!!
The vest would absorb the water, virtually sweat and thus cool you.
It was invented for fire fighters.
The cooling vest was working!!!
A quantum leap for quality of live.
I underwent a two-week stress test with the cooling vest in Crete.
The E-Cooline vest is really cooling, ingenious!!!
It doesn’t get wet, the body feeling can be described as cooling-clammy, but it is not unpleasant.
Be careful with filling water in it as 4 liters fit inside, and then you would have to wait approximately 3 days until you are able to wear this “lead vest” again. There is no water dripping off. 0,5 liters are more than enough for approximately 4 hours at 30°C in the shade.
The Cooline vests are available in a simple design with velcro tape, see picture above, or two rows of snap fasteners and additional removable lower part.
From the same material there are scarfs and caps available which I would like to test as well.
I was able to stroll around at the beach promenade with my wife in the afternoons at 30° C in the shade without water sprayer or wet towel.
The cooling vest made a great holiday possible, and I have just ordered a black vest and cap.
The price of approximately 300 € is not low, but if you bear in mind what you have to pay for good winter clothing or trivial cotton jeans I consider the price justifiable for a vest out of such a high tech material.
This vest opens so many possibilities for me, I don’t have to hide any more in summer!!!
The only disadvantage is that the vest weighs around 4 kg after washing and you have to wait 3-4 days until it has dried again.
You can purchase these vests from E-Cooline
Unfortunately these vests don’t have a medical device number. With an adequate prescription and statement from the doctor some health insurances would bear the expenses.
For question as usual:
With all this verbiage Karl Lagerfeld would probably be proud of me!
PG-13 prohibits to show my “six-pack” stomach!
Translator BL
Tags: Firefighters, Technical Aids, Kanaren / Mittelmeer, Crete, Cooling Cap, Cooling Vest, Links, Sweat, Quadriplegic Tips, Tips and Tricks, Holiday
Diese Kühlwesten sind wirklich eine wunderbare Sache, insbesondere eben, wenn man nicht schwitzen kann. Es gibt da übrigens eine Reihe von Anbietern mit teilweise deutlich günstigeren Preisen.
Ich habe vor etwa zweieinhalb Jahren angefangen, diesbezüglich etwas rumzuprobieren und hab dann im Herbst 2009 einen Erfahrungsbericht für die Mitgliederzeitung der SHG Ektodermale Dysplasie geschrieben und seitdem in einer online zugänglichen Form immer mal wieder aktualisiert (der Text mag dadurch etwas an innerer Kohärenz verloren haben; ich hab mir schon seit längerem vorgenommen, ihn mal grundsätzlich zu überarbeiten, bin aber noch nciht dazu gekommen).
Hallo Cord,
ich möchte mich für Deinen Kommentar bedanken und finde es klasse, dass Du uns “Nichtschwitzern” mit Deinem Artikel auch andere Alternativen zur aufzeigst.
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