Legal traffic regulations are applied on this parking lot!!!
There are 4 designated disabled parking places at the entrance. 2 opposing on each side.
After the groceries, I was parking without bad conscience on one of these parking places, I was rather astonished.
Somebody managed to park with a “Smart” on the opposing 2 disabled parking places in such way that both places were blocked. This was a real effort, remarkable.
Unfortunately I was too slow, the creative parker just came out of the supermarket when I was still digging for my camera. Unfortunately I was already sitting in my car, what a shame, or luck for the lady!!!
My wife asked the lady why she was parking on disabled parking places?
These parking places would be for people who cannot “walk” and not for people who cannot “park”!!
She replied where this was “standing” that this would be a disabled parking place???
I just shouted from the car: You are “standing” on it!
She was standing with her feet on the
Wheelchair symbol!!!
I have to admit, the symbol is really a bit “scraped off”.
I have informed the company L. concerning this matter. They answered by phone and convincingly assured me to renew the symbol as soon as possible and improve the signage so that nobody would park again “by oversight” on a disabled parking place.
The company L. had already 2 years ago removed a curb and raised the walkway after I pointed that out to them.
Very customer oriented, a very commendable company in this regard.
By the way, visually impaired are entitled to park on disabled parking places, but they are usually not the driver.
Link: Old, but unbeatable!!!
Pedestrians are parking on a disabled parking place!!!
They get involuntary help in leaving the car by Theo West (RTL, German TV).
Translator BL
Tags: Handicap Parking, Frankfurt
Das kenne ich nur zu gut. Wir waren gestern zum zweiten mal in Bonn bei einem großen Elektronik Fachdiscounter (“C…..”). Unser Auto war auf einem deutlich sichtbar markierten Rollifahrerparkplatz abgestellt. Und genau wie bei unserem ersten Besuch dort war unser Auto als wir wieder raus kamen von so einem blöden Fußgänger so zugeparkt das meine Frau sich nicht vom Rolli ins Auto umsetzen konnte. Ich frage mich wie man mit so einer gravierenden geistigen Behinderung überhaupt einen Führerschein bekommen kann …
Herr, lass Hirn vom Himmel fallen !
Hallo Holger,
Ihr wart wenigstens noch zu zweit vorm “C…”. Lies einmal diesen älteren Beitrag,ich warte immer noch auf den Tag, diesen “Fahrer” zu treffen :-/