

In the last few months I experienced a wide variety of therapies that even I, as some kind of “professional patient”, was not aware they’d exist.

One day my therapy plan stated “arm bath” among other things. I couldn’t imagine what in the world this meant.

A bath for arms? – Kneipp Kur for the less affluent? Maybe the doctors should know my account balance ahead of treatment?

It turned out that the ominous “arm bath therapy” really was a water bath for my two upper limbs.

Was it necessary? Did I really need that?

The dark colored water in the picture should not be mistaken as an indication for my dirty hands – it was caused by an added rosemary essence to promote circulation. After such treatment one has to be careful not to bite into his own little finger ;)

Anyway, after an unsuccessful thirty minute search for a dirt stain on the tiles of the wall, I didn’t have any better idea of how to pass the time, the therapist came back and asked me how I liked the treatment. My honest answer was “Well, my two hands are now clean, very clean”!

For some reason this type of bath therapy disappeared from my future treatment plan :-)

Translator BW

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One Response to “Armbath???”

  1. F.Ingendahl says:

    Mir sah das eher so nach einer “Wie beschäftigen wir den Patienten, weil nicht wissen was wir machen können” aus :-)


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