Archive for the ‘Tipps und Tricks’ Category

Christmas Tree 2010 Part I

星期六, 十二月 18th, 2010


Bath Reconstruction Neverending Story Part 2

星期六, 十二月 4th, 2010

The new bathroom was planned so that an accessible, on grade shower basin should be embedded on the window side.
A size of 120 cm x 120 cm is standard (top left).

Due to the wall breakthrough a new bathtub could be set on the right side, virtually in the home office. Then a little bit washing basin, connection for the washing machine, disabled toilet, and the bathroom was actually almost done.

OK, a new wall had to be built on the right, plaster, some tiles, colour and a sliding door were necessary due to the broadening of the door case.

Sounds rather simple, so let’s take a start!

In TV shows accessible bathrooms are built in 45 minutes broadcasting time…

It’s not “going” that fast!

Usually bathrooms suitable for disabled are on the ground floor, which basically makes sense because stairs are natural obstacles for us wheelchair users.

Additionally the siphon of the accessible shower can be banished with a breakthrough to the basement ceiling, where nobody would bother except for a couple of rats.

In the first floor the shower drain thing is a bit more difficult.

I don’t have any more problems, but there it was, the challenge!

Because I have neighbours living underneath, a colourful siphon on their bathroom ceiling was out of question.

Even with the most even drain you need at least

12 cm casing depth for the on grade shower basin.

The concrete underlay was removed until the bottom plate. My bathroom floor didn’t give more than 8 cm depth for the installation of the shower basin.

The floor had to be lifted, but then it wouldn’t be on the same level as the corridor any more.

What now:

A stair at the door to enter the “accessible bathroom” was a serious suggestion, but not for me.

To pump the waste water upwards because of the missing 4 cm I thought would be too complex.

In the end my new bathroom floor is sloping!

The floor slightly ascends by 4 cm from door to shower which has the funny effect that I am rolling away with my wheelchair in my own bathroom.

A pedestrian doesn’t note the difference.

As long as I don’t splatter too much with the water while showering it won’t run into the corridor!

I should have explicitly mention that to my friend who stayed overnight before he went into the bathroom.

To be continued!

Click on tag “Bath Reconstruction” to read the other blogposts of the series.

Translator BL


(Deutsch) Werbung Part I

星期二, 十一月 30th, 2010


Quadriplegic Tips XVII

星期一, 十一月 22nd, 2010

I am totally convinced that I own the coolest

Floss dispenser

of all times.
Manfred the fisherman motivates me every morning anew to do something meaningful with the day, provided that you define the “nonsense” that I permanently produce as meaningful.
Everything is to my opinion more meaningful than to sit on the couch and wait with the PS2 plastic fishing rod that the fish virtually bites the bait on TV. (No joke, see older blogpost).

Well, if the fish is delicious!

Back to the floss. The usage of floss in traditional technique leads with my light-fingeredness, with the emphasis on “light”, inevitably to undesired self-bondages and strangulations.

There are these little flossers with which you have to watch out that you don’t swallow them. According to latest rumours the new floss holder with integrated span mechanism and rubberized grip handle of the brand GUM:

Floss holder type Flosbrush

looks exactly like the strange thing which is lying on my table since the last midsummer. The engineer was probably quadriplegic. This great part is not available at German retailers.
But ask your dentist or druid on the corner (pharmacy) if they can order such a thing. The old model doesn’t have a span mechanism yet, but is also good to handle. The new one will be launched in the next weeks.

I don’t know yet how much it will cost.

Translator BL

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks XXII

星期二, 十一月 16th, 2010

Als ich noch “Fußie” war, bin ich je nach Dienst um 04:30 Uhr aufgestanden. Das es zu dieser Zeit recht dunkel ist, wenn man ums Bett geht und zuvor die Nachttischlampe ausgeschaltet hat, ist klar. Mein Schienbein hat sich hierbei in regelmäßigen Abständen mit der Ecke des herausragenden Bettrahmenbalkens angelegt und verloren.
Aus diesem Grund hatte ich mir seinerzeit ein batteriebetriebenes

LED-Nachtlicht mit Bewegungsmelder

angeschafft, das ich quasi als Bettunterbeleuchtung verwendet habe. Diese Teile sind mittlerweile recht günstig und im Baumarkt, oder zeitweise beim Discounter für unter 10 € zu erwerben.

Jetzt habe die LED-Lampe auf meinem Nachttisch stehen. Da muss ich nur mal mit der Hand winken, damit das Licht angeht.
Dies ist genial, da ich durch die Lähmung der Beine / Hüfte wortwörtlich wie ein Maikäfer auf dem Rücken liege und nicht ohne größte Schwierigkeiten an den Schalter der normalen Nachttischlampe komme. Am Boden in der Wohnung machen die Teile auch Sinn, da muss man beim Durchrollern von Zimmer zu Zimmer nicht immer alle Lichter Ein- und Ausschalten.

Mit Akkus bestückt “geht” mir ca. 3 Monate lang Nachts ein Licht auf!

LED = Lumineszenz Emitter Diode

Wheelchair Tuning Part XVIII

星期三, 十一月 3rd, 2010

I have got the impression that there is the general opinion that all wheelchair drivers are going to bed before dark.

Otherwise it is inexplicable for me that non of the wheelchairs I have seen has but one reflector on the front side.

This is a striking lack of safety!!!

Safety regulations of that kind are not known to me. One could almost think that we are allowed to be knocked over in traffic.

With luck one has at least a bicycle reflector put in the spokes.

The big discounters every now and then offer silver-coloured

spokes reflectors.

These were not allowed for bicycles for a long time, but are perfect for wheelchairs.

For bicycles it is: front white, side orange, rear red.

My tip:

Paste your wheelchair especially on the front with adhesive reflectors, buy orange bike reflectors, spokes reflectors, or even better reflective


Reflectors for arms and legs

for cyclists can e.g. be sewed on the backpack.

With a head light you can see holes in the ground at night

(see older blogpost).

Blinking rear light of a bike, figure something out, be creative, paste reflectors at the inside of the car door so that it is seen from far when it is open.

I don’t have the desire to be run over by a car because of serious safety lacks on a wheelchair which apparently nobody is interested in.

The “Stiftung Warentest” (German product test foundation) is not interested in testing wheelchairs either
(see older blogpost). (My latest status).

Translator BL


Technical Aids Tips und Tricks XXI

星期二, 十一月 2nd, 2010

Almost all wheelchair users are using bicycle gloves which they buy every now and then at the discounter.
My needs for these quality products were plentiful, the more expensive ones weren’t any better for wheelchair driving either.
I got the tip to switch to sailing gloves because they are more robust and additionally reinforced at the forefinger to let the ropes run through for sailing without burning the fingers.
Furthermore the glove fixes very well around the wrist which is very important for me as quadriplegic for braking to not loose the gloves. The velcro tapes are fixing well, and the leather is out of one piece. The gloves are available in Antara leather or Neoprene.

Sailing Gloves

The price starts at 10,00 €.
Source of supply can be enquired.


Now I am just missing a sailing boat.

Translator BL

Technical Aids Tips und Tricks XIX

星期日, 十月 10th, 2010

I think that this special pen might be quite helpful for many fellows who can’t grip very well any more. It is also available rubberized. This pen was probably developed by a concerned person.
I think the

special pen

is great.

If you don’t have much power to write I recommend DVD labelling pens.

Translator BL

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks XVIII

星期六, 十月 9th, 2010

The market for technical aids is huge.

There is almost everything you can imagine in the broadest sense. The problem is not only that this stuff is unreasonably expensive, but also apparently nobody has ever tested it.

The Taiwanese fabricate a basically ingenious key holder, like a Suisse Army Knife.
This can be found in almost every catalogue for technical aids.
Because of its size the key holder can be grasped even with limited finger functions. If the key is stuck in the lock the holder is bent by 90° so that you can open the lock due to the big lever with your “little finger”!!!

Attention: If someone else wants to open a door with your key holder please point out to him that a key can be broken off quickly with this technical aid.

The bad thing is that our European keys are a little thicker than the Asian ones and therefore don’t fit in. Such technical aids disappear in the cupboard, like the food processer from the home shopping channel. I have adjusted my

Key holder

accordingly (filed the slots and provided with a longer screw), and I am using it daily.

Last year on the rehab fair I have pointed out this deficit to the Taiwanese. Yesterday I was at the Rehacare in Düsseldorf, but I didn’t see the key holder any more.

Translator BL


Technical Aids Tips and Tricks XVII

星期二, 九月 7th, 2010

With my

“Buckled Fingers”,

I know politically correct it is of course just an impairment of motor skills of hands and fingers, it is

not possible for me any more

to start a fire with a customary

lighter or matches.

A couple of years ago this was still essential for survival.

Nowadays it is fortunately not that important any more, provided that you are in possession of a functional microwave and central heating.

I had quit smoking a couple of months before the accident so that I didn’t bother specifically about making fire in the last 2,5 years.

Rather by coincidence I noticed that these

long gas lighters

can be operated without any finger function.

Now even I can light a tea candle again.

Translator BL


Technical Aids Tips and Tricks XVI

星期日, 八月 29th, 2010

As wheelchair using quadriplegic rainy weather simply sucks!

With wet rubber hand rims it is hardly possible for me to turn the driving wheels so that I can’t move any more.
It would be just a bit inconvenient to take a shower undesirably for the second time in a day, but if I am standing on a hillside the braking gets a bit critical respectively almost impossible.
Such a big

rain cape for cyclists

is in my opinion a good and low price solution.
It doesn’t always have to have a medical device number.
My hand rims stay dry to a large extent.
The cape should be shortened appropriately.

Be careful that it doesn’t get in the wheels.
Spoke protector discs are beneficial.

Ducks like water, but I haven’t seen something like this before.
It is raining day and night there.
This duck probably has

neoprene feathers

Translator BL

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks XV

星期二, 八月 24th, 2010

If you as quadriplegic like me or for which reason ever don’t have any power in hands and fingers, such a

turning knob on the inside of a toilet door

is getting a real challenge.
Closing the locks is “going“ rather well, but then!!!

If you are not particularly interested to meet consistently your friend from the fire brigade it is beneficial to always have a

Silicon cap

with you which you usually use to open bottles (see older blogpost).

excellent turning knob

I have discovered on a disabled toilet in Bregenz (Austria).

Did actually somebody put good thoughts on it, or was it all about the design?!

Translator BL

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks XI

星期四, 七月 8th, 2010

Viele Rollifahrer mit einem Rückenmarkschaden können nur noch ein bisschen, oder auch gar nicht mehr schwitzen. Das hört sich im ersten Moment ja ganz nett an:
Keine nassen Klamotten mehr, Knoblauch so viel man will, aber der Deostift trocknet wegen nicht benutzen im Badschrank ein. Ich gehöre auch zum Volkstamm der

Antitranspirantaner (Nichtschwitzer).

Die ganze Sache hat einen kleinen Haken:
Wenn es über 25° C sind und ich mich körperlich ertüchtige, oder auch nur sinnlos in der Sonne herumstehe, steigt meine Körpertemperatur stetig an.
So ab 40° C entschließt sich dann mein Körper den Rolli in Form eines Bodentransfers zu verlassen.
Um diesem entgegenzuwirken bewaffnen wir uns mit einem handelsüblichen


Ich war der festen Überzeugung, dass jeder betroffene Rollifahrer dies kenne, daher hatte ich es noch nie erwähnt, ist aber leider nicht so!
Bei den letzten WM-Spielen, hatten sich ständig Fußgänger meine


Es lag möglicherweise nur daran, da wir das Dach und die Seiten der Überdachung mit schwarzer Folie abgespannt hatten, damit das Beamerbild besser zu sehen war.
Es waren gefühlte 80°C, aber höchstens 58°C!
Wenn man einen Klettbandabsturzgurt besitzt kann man sich den Zerstäuber ankletten.

So ein Blumenzerstäuber ist Spitze, aber ich warne, der Suchtfaktor ist groß!

Wheelchair Tuning Part XI

星期三, 六月 30th, 2010

Aus gegebenen Anlaß, draußen sind es derzeit um 10:08 Uhr bereits 25,4° mal was aktuelles.

Da ich mit meinen Fingern kaum zugreifen kann, ist es mir nur möglich, meinen Rolli zu bewegen, indem ich mit den Händen gegen die Greifringe/Greifreifen der Laufräder drücke und diese dann nach vorne schiebe.
Dies ist für mich ausschließlich mit gummierten Greifreifen möglich, es sei denn man schiebt mit den Speichen, was doch etwas lästig ist und nicht “geht”, wenn man einen Eingreifschutz für die Speichen hat.
Die Greifringe gibt es schon fertig mit Gummi überzogen, oder als

„Aufgeschnittener Gartenschlauch“ (Greifringüberzug),

den man dann auf einen Standartgreifring aufzieht.

Was da besser oder schlechter ist, muss jeder selbst für sich entscheiden.
Es heißt immer die Greifringüberzüge würden im Sommer wenn es warm ist und das Gummi weich wird, immer von den Greifreifen rutschen.
Diese negative Erfahrung hatte ich auch gemacht.
Man kann da ganz einfach gegensteuern indem regelmäßig so ca. alle 2 Wochen die Greifringüberzüge innen und außen bzw. die Greifringe mit einem alkoholhaltigen Reiniger wie Fensterputzmittel, Spiritus… reinigt.
Die Teile halten dann am Greifring wieder wie festgeklebt.
Jetzt noch ein bisschen Haarspray außen auf den Geifringüberzug und der Ausfahrt zum Baggersee “steht” nichts mehr im Wege.

Ob die am Baggersee eine Hebeanlage zum Wassern haben?

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks X

星期四, 六月 10th, 2010

Wheelchair users and their bathroom equipment is an endless subject!
The mounting height of the bath mirror can lead to the move-out of the partner if no agreement is found.
To avoid these discussions, usually cost-efficient (ho, ho, ho)

movable mirrors

are recommended. How are you supposed to see anything without binoculars in such a thing when it is skillfully mounted under the ceiling, and who moves it if needed?

My tip is a, mounted to hobbit size, a telescopic round

Make-up Mirror

made by the

Swedish meatballers.

Model: FRÄCK 5,99€
The mirror of my wall cupboard is with its height just suitable for eyebrow shaping.
Now I can finally see if my nurse is botching with the shaving. ;-)

Translator BL