Archive for the ‘Bremskeil’ Category

Eigude Shame Part XI

星期四, 十二月 9th, 2010

The perspective is a bit misleading, but this is a lowered curb with wheelchair catching device.

This new

gully cover

has probably been sponsored by the shoemaker who has his shop in 20 meters distance. The 30 broken heels per day will help him easily through the economic crisis.

(Mörfelder Landstraße / Stresemannallee Frankfurt a.M.)

Now in the winter when the gully cover is covered with snow the profit doubles.

Translator BL

Eigude Shame Part XII

星期三, 十二月 8th, 2010

Dieser extrem steile 
This extremely steep

“lowered curb “

is representatively next to the main entrance of the youth hostel. It has 600 beds and a special wheelchair apartment.

It makes immediately a great impression on each wheelchair using tourist if you need help already at the first curb when you are heading to town. The other side of the street is equally “wheelchair friendly”.

Thank you Frankfurt!

Translator BL

Bath Reconstruction Neverending Story Part 2

星期六, 十二月 4th, 2010

The new bathroom was planned so that an accessible, on grade shower basin should be embedded on the window side.
A size of 120 cm x 120 cm is standard (top left).

Due to the wall breakthrough a new bathtub could be set on the right side, virtually in the home office. Then a little bit washing basin, connection for the washing machine, disabled toilet, and the bathroom was actually almost done.

OK, a new wall had to be built on the right, plaster, some tiles, colour and a sliding door were necessary due to the broadening of the door case.

Sounds rather simple, so let’s take a start!

In TV shows accessible bathrooms are built in 45 minutes broadcasting time…

It’s not “going” that fast!

Usually bathrooms suitable for disabled are on the ground floor, which basically makes sense because stairs are natural obstacles for us wheelchair users.

Additionally the siphon of the accessible shower can be banished with a breakthrough to the basement ceiling, where nobody would bother except for a couple of rats.

In the first floor the shower drain thing is a bit more difficult.

I don’t have any more problems, but there it was, the challenge!

Because I have neighbours living underneath, a colourful siphon on their bathroom ceiling was out of question.

Even with the most even drain you need at least

12 cm casing depth for the on grade shower basin.

The concrete underlay was removed until the bottom plate. My bathroom floor didn’t give more than 8 cm depth for the installation of the shower basin.

The floor had to be lifted, but then it wouldn’t be on the same level as the corridor any more.

What now:

A stair at the door to enter the “accessible bathroom” was a serious suggestion, but not for me.

To pump the waste water upwards because of the missing 4 cm I thought would be too complex.

In the end my new bathroom floor is sloping!

The floor slightly ascends by 4 cm from door to shower which has the funny effect that I am rolling away with my wheelchair in my own bathroom.

A pedestrian doesn’t note the difference.

As long as I don’t splatter too much with the water while showering it won’t run into the corridor!

I should have explicitly mention that to my friend who stayed overnight before he went into the bathroom.

To be continued!

Click on tag “Bath Reconstruction” to read the other blogposts of the series.

Translator BL


Bath Reconstruction Neverending Story Part 1

星期五, 十二月 3rd, 2010

After more than 2 years I have calmed down a little bit and I am writing about my legendary

Bath Reconstruction!

People with high blood pressure should save themselves to rebuild a small bathroom into a wash plant suitable for wheelchair drivers and build a new house instead.
This is “going” faster.

Already at the time when I was still in hospital I was taken home by the transport service, then heaved to the first floor to surprisingly find out at a living space inspection that my bathroom was not suitable for someone in a wheelchair.

This fact didn’t remain concealed even to me, in spite of considerable medication abuse upfront.

Now it was official, my bathroom was too small!

My wife took pictures and filled various questionnaires about the number of stairs in front of the house, the width of doors in the flat, etc. etc. etc….

This information was filed somewhere unregarded. Oh well…

Because addresses of construction companies and suitable plumbers in Germany apparently are subject to the highest level of secrecy obligation everything was left with me again.

An acquaintance who is architect had the idea to “push” the wall on the right 1,20 meter to the side, then everything should fit in…

Therefore the inflatable guest bed in the home office had to give way.

Thanks again from this side.

After more than 2 years I am still waiting for promised offers from plumbers. They don’t want to make money, others therefore more.

I like quotations like that:

Reconstruction bathroom mere 17.000 € with the details:

Demounting of bathroom furniture 60 €.
This was a 50 cm wall cupboard.

All extra work will be invoiced separately.
A picture was hanging on the wall.

When I tried to call our property management regarding the move of the wall on extension 59 I heard the voice mail text that due to absence I should call the colleague on extension 67 for the next two and a half weeks. There I heard the voice mail text that I should consult his substitute under extension 59 for the next two weeks.

If it was a load-bearing wall or not which we intended to move probably would have to be eventually clarified by the Federal Constitutional Court.

The non-working employee in charge of the property management (extension 59) insisted that no wall might be torn down without his assessment.

He didn’t make in within 3 months to walk the 250 meters from his office to my bathroom, not to mention an on-site inspection of the property within a year.

Because I wanted to leave the hospital one time I decided by agreement with the advisory board, wall down, H-beam in, regardless of costs.

To be continued!

Click on tag “Bath Reconstruction” to read other blogposts of the series.

Translator BL


(Deutsch) Spezial- Bremskeil V

星期三, 八月 4th, 2010


Bremskeil VI

星期四, 四月 15th, 2010

Am ersten April begann das neue Quartal und ich durfte Gestern bei meinem Hausarzt antreten (als Teddy?),
um meiner 3 monatigen

10 € Praxisgebührspende

nachzukommen und um mir gleich noch ein paar Impfungen gegen so ziemlich alles abzuholen.
Ich beschloss trotz dortiger extrem eingeschränkter  Parkplatzverfügbarkeit an der Pferderennbahn mit dem


zu fahren.
Alles Super geklappt, kaum zu glauben.
Warum  waren jedoch eigenartiger Weise nach dem Ein- und Aussteigen meine Hände nur so schwarz?

Mein Auto wurde Ende Dezember völlig verdreckt (voll Salz) an mich ausgeliefert.
Man glaubt gar nicht, was Schnee für reinigende Kräfte hat.
Trotz des langen Winters hatte ich den Eindruck, es schien die Sonne Gestern, dass so eine Grundreinigung des Wagens nicht die allerschlechteste Idee wäre und ich dann eventuell keine schwarzen Hände mehr bekäme.

Ab zur Waschstraße!!!

Dort haben 3 Kollegen mit Dampfstrahlern mein Auto abgespritzt und geschrubbt, schon bevor ich in die Waschstraße einfuhr.
Das nächste Mal drehe ich mein Auto dann vor dem Bezahlen und fahre wieder weg.
Für mich war der Wagen sauber genug.
Wäre mal interessant zu sehen, wie blöd die dann aus der Wäsche gucken .
Ich habe mittlerweile den Verdacht, dass der vierte Kollege mit der Kasse meine schlechten Gedanken lesen konnte.
Er wies mich mit dem Auto in die Transportschienen ein, ich bezahlte, er gab mir durch mein Fahrerfenster mein Wechselgeld und meine Dachantenne.
Dann wünschte er mir noch schnell einen schönen Tag und war weg.
Da fuhr ich nun mit meiner


auf den Knien und keinem vernünftigen Radioempfang durch die Waschstraße.

Ich überlegte ernsthaft, wie ich das Ding jemals wieder da oben darauf bekomme.

Na toll !!!

Handicap Parking Part II

星期一, 三月 22nd, 2010

Wonders will never cease!

Addendum to blogpost Handicap Parking Part I from 02.02.10
(see older blogpost)

Upon enquiry at the road traffic department they explained that
in spite of the signs

Absolute stopping restriction

I am allowed to park my car on the

disabled parking place designated for me even without handicap label.

In the meantime my disabled parking permit expired.
Hardly to believe, isn’t it? Once again the whole administration work.

When my car stood on my parking place the first 2 days in the year 2010 the storm hit us beginning of March!!!
My two favourite signs fell over and missed my car by around 10 cm.
That was close…
In retrospect:
The sign could have hit a car of my neighbours who always kept my parking place dry.

On Friday 19.03.2010 my parking place was finally labelled.

I would like to point out that I don’t blame the road traffic department of Frankfurt.

I will keep you posted about the number of the future compulsory relocated cars away from my disabled parking place.

Translator BL

Bremskeil III

星期二, 二月 16th, 2010

 Ich hab aan

 Runnergesetzte Firmewaache


den da wo ich mit de Händ faahn kann,

von nem Audoumbauer gekaaft.

Die hawwe dann des mit dem




, weche dene Zettel für die Umbaude

und der Ummeldung von da obbe in Hesse,

ins scheene Frankfort noch erledischt.

Ich hab des zumindestens geglaabt.

Ich fahr die Scherbel mit dene ihre Nummernschilder seit 8 Woche.

Wir waarn uns desteweche einisch.

Heut am




bin ich uff die Zulassung hier in Frankfort gefaahn,

damit die Kist endlich eh paar gescheide






Ach währ ich Dollbohrer doch anstatt da hii, nach


Klaa Paris* zum Fastnachtsumzuch




Die hawwe mir erzählt,

das weche de Europa und so,

mer seit dem April 09,

aufgrund dem §21 EG-FGV

die gegehmischte TÜV-Umbautezettel,

nochema genemische muss.

Ich hab da ja nix degesche,

aber das weil die Annern des da vergesse ham,

ich jetzt mein Karren nemmer faahn derf,

find ich garnet witzisch.

Besonnerst die Herrn Umbauer hätte des wisse müsse,

was se net getaan hawwe.

Des is dene ihr Arbeit!.

Moie am Aschermittwoch sei ja alles vorbei…


Frankfort Helau!


*Spitzname eines Stadtteils von Frankfurt am Main

Handicap Parking Part I

星期二, 二月 2nd, 2010

After I had proven my ability to drive with hand throttle in front of the technical control association and my hand throttle customized car had been delivered mid December I applied for a

personalised disabled parking place.

This worked out extremely fast.
At this point thanks to the staff of the road traffic department of the city of Frankfurt. Within a few days the corresponding sign was placed and the parking place roughly labelled, because at that time another car was parking there.

I was assured that the

Handicap label

on the street would be fixed later on.

At this time constantly other cars were parking on my parking place. I was appreciative because the sign is only visible well from one side, and these morons were parking against the driving direction. Well…

In the year 2009 I stood one single time on my disabled parking place.

On December 28th the road traffic department put two signs up

Absolute stopping restriction due to labelling work

to keep the place free so that the missing street labelling could be accomplished.

This meant for me to keep my parking place free.

On New Year’s Eve 2009/10 I unapologetically stood boozed without displayed parking permit in the

absolute stopping restriction zone.

This was the first and so far only time that I was standing on my parking place in 2010.
And even without a car, therefore under survey of an employee of the German disaster relief organisation (THW).

Then the snow arrived…

It is clear that the guys are busy with other things than my labelling.

From the deep of my heart I would like to thank the traffic participants who ignored the signs from the beginning out of altruism only.
The asphalt of my parking place is continuously kept dry for weeks by parking their cars above so that the labelling can be completed as soon as possible.

Which other reason should they have???

This might get funny.

Do I need a permanent line to the police?

Tell me your experiences…

If the current signs are not interesting anybody I should look for a small armoured tank with hand throttle.
With this I could then stand on the cars.
Drive defensively, drive a tank.

Translator BL

Bremskeil II

星期二, 一月 12th, 2010

Ich bin für die Schneeräumung meiner


die mir den Zugang zum Haus ermöglicht (siehe älteren Beitrag), selbst verantwortlich.

Meine Frau, Freunde, Pflegekräfte, Nachbarn, THW Feuerwehr…,

sind steht’s bemüht meine Rampe schnee- und eisfrei zu halten.

Dies funktioniert ausgezeichnet und meine Rampe ist meistens schneller schneefrei als der Gehweg, der durch eine Firma geräumt wird.

Schaut, was die Firma aus meiner Rampe gemacht hat.

Wie man dem Bild entnehmen kann, eignet sie sich jetzt hervorragend als

 Frankfurt- Innenstadt- Outdoor- Skipiste.

Der Bau einer Umlaufgondel ist derzeit in Planung.

Die Rote- Fahne zeigt die Schneehöhe an.

Wie gut, dass meine Winterjacke einen Lawinenpiepser hat.

Wheelchair Tuning I

星期五, 十二月 18th, 2009

For each ambitious frequent traveller a

bicycle tachometer with mileage counter

on the wheelchair is a must.

It does make sense to let the Automobile Association know the kilometre on the highway in case of a defect on the wheelchair ;-)

I guess the pills are already working.

Never, no, no, never ever

you should have the idea like me to install a bicycle tachometer on your wheelchair which is working


(at least supposedly) unless you are under psychological counselling at that time.

This device has almost converted me to

believe in Voodoo.

I won’t comment on the fact why the part is sold as solar driven and two batteries are enclosed.

This tachometer had an integrated

So-what-or-I-am-annoying-you mechanism. .

After a couple of hours the tachometer was fixed on the wheelchair, adjusted, programmed, and finally seemed to


The next morning I was sitting on my dining table and had breakfast.

Now check it out:
The display started to

“run wild”

Believe it or not, I have covered a distance of

21 Kilometres (a half marathon)

while consuming

two pieces of toast.

Unimaginable what would have happened if there would have been an egg on top.
When I moved away from my dining table

one meter

everything was OK again!
When I turned out the

dining room light

I could move to my table again without any bugging of the tachometer.

I am a professional electronic technician and felt the inner desire to return my craft certificate to the chamber of commerce when it wasn’t possible for me to get a bicycle tachometer


Four possibilities remained:

1. In future have breakfast in the dark or not at all.
2. Ignore the tachometer, or dispense it at a recycling site.
3. Contact the supplier and explain the issue.
4. Register myself at the Paralympics, it could be true?!

I discovered that the electronic transformer with its phase angle modulated power (even I have learnt something once during my apprenticeship) of the

dining room halogen lamps

was disturbing the wireless transmission of the tachometer.

Something like this should not effect the wireless transmission over 60 cm.
The mistake is not caused by my lamp.
But who would drive his bike in his apartment around his dining table?
Probably nobody has noticed it yet.

I think the technician of the supplier, whom I had on the phone, is still


Now I have a tachometer without wireless LAN which is working well.

For the truth of the story I stake with my right front wheel.

Translator BL

Bremskeil I

星期四, 十一月 26th, 2009

Es wurde soeben die Wartung an meinem Treppenlift beendet.

Ich wollte mir von dem Techniker anhand der Bedienungsanleitung nochmals die


erklären lassen.
Schon ein bisschen blöd, wenn man mit dem Rolli zwischen Parterre und 1. Stock im Treppenhaus herum steht und die Nachbarn sonntags Lindenstraße sehen wollen und nicht in ihre Wohnung kommen!
Ich habe zwar alle Schaltpläne, aber wie ich von dem Ding wieder vernünftig herunterkomme steht da nicht.
Die Beschreibung, wie man im Notfall den Aufzug mechanisch herunterkurbelt wurde anscheinend vergessen !!!
Na ja, vielleicht kommt Harry Houdini vorbei und die Sache klärt sich von alleine.