Archive for the ‘Comedy’ Category

Wheelchair Tuning Part XXIII (Competitor)

星期四, 三月 31st, 2011

I am looking for a text for this picture since weeks!

When “Tracy”, an employee of a store for medical supply next door to a wheelchair hotel on Tenerife drove out of the lobby with this vehicle I was completely perplexed, and I had tears of laughter.

I introduce it, probably the first world wide

Electric Inko Scooter

Tracy is a male nurse and makes everybody laugh with his sweet-and-crazy manner.
This guy is awesome, we need more of these!.

Look carefully, Winnie Pooh meets Mowgli ;-)

Wheelchair Tuning Part XXi – Competitor

星期一, 二月 28th, 2011

Technically speaking, this construction of rolling scaffold and garden chair can be considered as


(applicable for refurbishment of wall and ceiling)

But seriously:
Out of these garden chairs real wheelchairs are built for third world countries.
See homepage:

Addendum to: Water, water, water…

星期三, 一月 19th, 2011

Last night the peak of the high water in Frankfurt was reached.
That’s clear, we have full moon!

Sample Moon

(image similar)

Quiz: What’s wrong with this picture?

Comments requested!

Translator BL

Crazy Flash VI

星期二, 一月 18th, 2011


Christmas Tree 2010 Part I

星期六, 十二月 18th, 2010


Fax to my general practitioner!

星期二, 十一月 30th, 2010


Dear Ladies,
Please send me the following prescription:
Voltaren Emulgel 1 kg
Have a nice Advent season!

My dispenser!

Voltaren in 200 gram tubes is for kids.
With 1 kg I just get through Christmas season.


Translator BL

Crazy Flash IV Addendum

星期五, 十月 29th, 2010

The fire department in Frankfurt has upgraded and switched to

Emergency vehicles with pedals

(see older blogpost).

Please note the blue fire water bucket on the front.

Translator BL

Signs Part V

星期二, 十月 26th, 2010

This sign kindly indicates that the way ends 100 meters further ahead on the mole at the sea.

If you are not Jesus of Nazareth, it is also dead end for any pedestrian.

Signs Part IV

星期四, 十月 7th, 2010

We wheelers are often treated a little childlike.

I am not annoyed with anybody if he is patting my head in the last moment of saying goodbye.
That’s just the way it is if you are just 1,38 m small.
But if it will ever occur to anyone to spit on a tissue to wipe a spot off my face then only steel-toed boots protect him from my wheels.

For the city of Frankfurt all wheelers seem to be like children.
In the zoo a playground was built especially for us active wheelers. Actually this signage can’t be interpreted differently.

active wheeler’s playground

Translator BL

Signs Part III

星期三, 八月 25th, 2010

Ich bin zwar im Besitz eines gültigen Führerscheins für ein auf Handgas umgebautes Auto (siehe älteren Beitrag), habe aber nie eine

Rollifahrer- Fahrprüfung

abgelegt, ansonsten wäre mir diese

Bodenmarkierung in Verbindung mit einem Halteverbotsschild

mitten auf der Straße sicherlich bekannt.



Ich verstehe das nicht.

Es ist kein markierter Behindertenparkplatz.

Könnte es sich um einen Stellplatz eines von einem Rollstuhlfahrer gelenkten Krakenfahrzeuges handeln ?

Ist ein Rollstuhl ein Krankenfahrzeug?

Helft mir, ich bin verwirrt…

Crazy Flash V

星期二, 七月 13th, 2010

The most odd stories happen to us wheelers.
Here is a great story from… let’s call her Maria:

Yesterday at the groceries:

In our shopping center there is a big supermarket,
nice staff, very helpful.
Regularly trainees at the counter who are asking
if they may pack your groceries.

I am rolling through the cashier with a

big water melon

(I could live on these tasty things, yummy!)
and a


I pay, everything alright.

Then the question of the ca. 18-year-old trainee:

“Are you OK, or shall I pop it in for you?”

I am looking at the melon and the zucchini and alternately at him…
…laughed myself into stitches… and answer:

“Neither one nor the other, thanks.”

But you may pack the melon and the zucchini into the net behind my back.

With such friendly staff you are happy to come back!

Translator BL


Crazy Flash IV

星期二, 七月 6th, 2010

The current lousy economic situation forces cities and municipalities to break new ground.
The coffers are empty.
All newly hired employees of the municipal fire brigade have to produce their

emergency vehicles

in home-work by themselves now.
The THW (German disaster relief organisation has similar problems.

Here type “Frankfurt“ with immobilizer.
The fire resistance needs still to be worked on.

Translator BL


Wheeler’s pint

星期二, 六月 22nd, 2010

Don’t drink and drive

is a matter of course for us wheelers.
A Hessian brewery has now launched the first

Wheeler’s Pint.

Non-alcoholic and isotonic

all what the body needs.

Side effects such as mocking, sneering, head-shaking and chronic taste definition search are guaranteed.
Resemblances and interactions with beer don’t have to be feared.

Isotonic: Sport drinks having the same mineral concentration like body fluids (Source Wikipedia).

Which body fluids do they mean? Yuk!!!

Translator BL

(Deutsch) WM- Sitzkissen

星期一, 六月 14th, 2010


Crazy Flash II

星期一, 五月 31st, 2010
