Posts Tagged ‘Fußball’
Annual Review 2018 Part 3
星期二, 一月 8th, 2019Internet- Find of the Week
星期一, 九月 22nd, 2014对不起,此内容只适用于Deutsch。
星期一, 七月 14th, 2014
FIFA- World Cup 2014 Part I
星期日, 五月 11th, 2014Ohne Frankfurter kein WM-Titel…!!!
Dem Deutschen Fußballbund ist bei dem neu nominierten Kader für die
WM 2014 in Brasilien ein kapitaler Fehler unterlaufen.
Noch nie wurde die deutsche Fußballnationalmannschaft Weltmeister, wenn kein Frankfurter Spieler dabei war.
1954 waren es die Helden von Bern, Alfred Pfaff von der Eintracht Frankfurt und Richard Herrmann vom FSV Frankfurt.
1974 überzeugte der Kopf der Mannschaft Jürgen Grabowski von der Frankfurter Eintracht im eigenen Land.
1990 schlug Uwe Bein von der SGE in Italien unvergessliche Pässe, und “Heulsuse” Andy Möller wechselte nach der WM als amtierender Weltmeister mit Recht von Dortmund zur Eintracht zurück.
Kurz nach Bekanntgabe des Kaders wurde dieser fatale Fehler festgestellt, und es musste sofort gehandelt werden.
Unbestimmten Gerüchten zufolge wurde der noch recht unbekannte waschechte Frankfurter Bub, der auf den Namen Rollinator hört nachnominiert.
In Fachkreisen werden seine Fähigkeiten, insbesonders die neben des Platzes, hoch eingeschätzt.
Den Grund für die doch etwas ungewöhnliche Spielernummer 42 wollte man nur insofern kommentieren, dass es die universelle Antwort auf das spanische Spielsystem sei.
Deutschland, Deutschland…
Klickt bei “Tags” doch mal auf Fußball um eine Menge Geschichten, rund um die schönste Nebensache der Welt zu lesen.
Sport News VII
星期四, 九月 26th, 2013对不起,此内容只适用于Deutsch。
German Football League Record
星期六, 九月 22nd, 2012I would like to thank
Eintracht Frankfurt
sincerely for yesterday’s birthday present in terms of the victory
Nuremberg : Frankfurt
and the associated German football league record for a promoted team of 12 points in the first 4 matches.
Translator BL
Football Euro 2012 Part I
星期四, 六月 14th, 20122nd win after 1:0 against Portugal.
My car is of course flagged with the “mirror socks“(see older blogpost).
Germany : Holland
2 : 1
Cheers, and bottoms up!
Go Germany…
Click on tag Football to read a lot of stories around the most wonderful pastime in the world.
Translator BL
Special Edition!!
星期二, 四月 24th, 2012Aachen : Eintracht
0 : 3
Mission completed, direct repromotion.
The orthosis was helpful!!!
For the championship celebration 2013 I voluntarily put on the orthosis again.
I am still slightly in „repromotion-mania “!
If my neighbour wouldn’t have called and reminded me of an appointment my car still would have winter tyres… well then… never mind
Translator BL
Chock Part XII
星期五, 三月 30th, 2012On Tuesday I was with my wife at the
Farewell Match of the Frankfurt football player Birgit Prinz.
She has been FIFA player of the year several times and scored 128 goals for the German national team. The match was great, but until I got there…
The organisation of a wheelchair ticket directly at the German Football Association (DFB) proved to be quite difficult this time. So far I had made only very good experiences during the women’s world cup (see older blogposts).
After my first e-mail with the ticket order apparently ended up in the digital nirvana, it worked out a little better with e-mail number two.
Well, apparently you have to see it sportingly. Such an e-mail doesn’t harm, but doesn’t necessarily help either…
Now the whole event approached rapidly… 3 or 4 days!
I had not received a confirmation if I can pick up my ticket at the box office until the moment when I hit the road to the stadium.
On the matchday I also tried to find out by phone where I could possibly park my car because my e-mail inquiry wasn’t answered either.
When I drove to the stadium I was hoping that an admission ticket would be deposited at the box-office for me, and the parking thing was still not clarified. I knew about the bad parking conditions there.
At some stage I didn’t care, I picked up my wife and drove directly to the entrance of the stadium. It was quite busy there!
Although I didn’t have an admission ticket, not to mention a special parking admission, the very kind marshals actually found an adequate parking space next to the OB vehicle of the regional broadcast station on which I could transfer easily into my wheelchair. Thanks again from this side.
Why the German football association as organiser of the event didn’t create a designated handicap parking area, they probably don’t know themselves. At least 15 wheelers were in the stadium. Where did they park?
If now no ticket had been deposited at the box office, or I hadn’t been able to buy a ticket, even a weekly dosage of my medication wouldn’t have calmed me down.
I got an envelope at the box office in which not only my ticket, but also a VIP parking admission was inside. A little too late, but as a proper German of course I laid out the parking permit in the car
Then in the stadium I actually would have needed my mountainbike tyres for my wheelchair, because the main stand currently consists just out of small homeopathic pieces and some rocks.
Luckily I had a ticket for the opposite stand, which was there
It was a great farewell game and I am a little sad that Birgt Prinz is quitting her active career.
When I was back home I read an e-mail from the German football association where all my inquiries about ticket, parking… were answered.
The e-mail was sent at 16:45 h, kick off 18:00 h.
The staff member was already at the stadium at this time as she wrote, and I totally uninformed on the road!!!
What a pity that I haven’t met the lady
I could inquire at the German football association if they wouldn’t sponsor a smartphone for me so that I can be always up to date online about my ticket status.
Translator BL
Feedback on the shinbone fracture part II
星期一, 三月 12th, 2012Whereas for a pedestrian the growing together of the bones after a leg fracture without surgery is assessed with roundabout 6 weeks, it is around 6 months for us para-/quadriplegics. This is related to paralysis, blood circulation etc.
After the fracture of shinbone and fibula in early September a plastic leg orthosis was my permanent companion.
I have reported extensively about the fracture, hospital stay,…(see older blogposts), then you know the complete story.
As self-confessed football fan of Eintracht Frankfurt I got of course the special edition Frankfurt.
leg orthosis type: direct re-promotion
In the complete time during which I was wearing the orthosis Eintracht didn’t lose a single match. I am closely connected to my club and sit out almost everything, but eventually I wanted to get rid of the orthosis.
Just in the moment when I slowly began to do without the orthosis – how nice… -, a match was lost. The re-promotion was at risk!
I wasn’t sure, was it my fault???
What next… should I have to wear the orthosis until the German championship title 2013???
Yesterday I didn’t put on the orthosis the whole day and was worried that Eintracht wouldn’t lose the match.
Of all things the opponent was Rostock. There was an occasion in the early 90s, I don’t want to remember this match… (translator’s note: 20 years ago Eintracht lost against Rostock on the last matchday of the season and thus didn’t win the German championship title.)
Rostock : Eintracht
1 : 5
The spell was „broken“ and the fracture will heal soon!!!
The orthosis is standing well next to the closet and is only put on when needed.
For the championship celebration 2013 I voluntarily put on the orthosis again.
Translator BL
Addendum Chock X
星期一, 十月 3rd, 2011Master Gepetto from the orthopedic craft shop actually managed to finalize the orthosis on Thursday afternoon so that nothing stands in the way of being released from the hospital. However I have to correct the naming of the orthosis. The name snow lionpard is invalid.
At closer examination it is clearly the model known from Star Wars:
Imperial Clone Trooper
After three wins in a row I have hung up the Eintracht Frankfurt pennant above my bed at home as well.
Translator BL
Football Women’s World Cup Part III
星期一, 七月 18th, 2011Football Women’s World Cup Part II
星期四, 七月 14th, 2011Football Women’s World Cup Part I
星期二, 七月 12th, 2011Alternative Therapy
星期一, 五月 30th, 2011There are various therapies for muscle relaxation.
Mud packs, acupuncture, massages of all kind, stimulation current therapy, etc. etc. etc…
There is a shockingly expensive machine called Galileo which is basically just a vibrating plate on which you can regulate different frequencies.
On Saturday night we went to the group vibration therapy, similar to Galileo, to the “Festhalle” in Frankfurt (big event hall).
The English therapists are known since 1975 under the name
Iron Maiden
and achieve with their years of experience and permanent frequency changes best possible therapy successes by full body vibration.
Muscle build-up by clapping and CPAP lung exercise by singing along!
By slight shock-values generated by the stage design additionally the circulation is stimulated.
Several thousand patients were treated at the same time.
An additional positive effect is that you can still hear slightly the sound of the ocean days later which causes a holiday feeling.
Incomprehensibly the health insurance does not cover the costs of this since 36 years proven and tested alternative therapy.
Read my older blogpost Football ticket on prescription.
Translator Teo