Posts Tagged ‘Greifen’

Addendum Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LX

星期五, 三月 2nd, 2018


Addendum Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LIX

星期四, 二月 22nd, 2018


Technical Aids for Quadriplegics Part XIII

星期四, 一月 12th, 2017

We Quadriplegics (Teddys) Love Tootpaste Tubes!

Every morning starts with the spirited bite into the screw cap.

As long as the tube is still full you can manage to get something out most of the time, even without finger function. However, at some point you don’t need coffee anymore for breakfast because proportional to the decreasing amount of toothpaste left in the tube the blood pressure rises.

You all know those plastic clips for sealing bags (see older post).a>

Mit dem Klip kann ich die Tuben jetzt recht gut festhalten

Now with this clip I can get a pretty good grip of the tube.

After removing the screw cap from the tube place it on the sink and squeeze it with one hand.

No need to empty the tube at once ;-) .

Translator BW


Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LVI

星期四, 一月 5th, 2017

Wie vermeide ich als Rollifahrer auch ohne Fingerfunktion,

dass mein Smartphone herunterfällt!

Ich fahre ohne Smartphon selbst in meiner eigenen Wohnung nicht rum.

Was soll dort schon passieren?

Vor ein paar Jahren fuhr ich in meinem Büro über ein Verlängerungskabel. Dieses wickelte sich dann um meine Räder und ich kam weder vor noch zurück. Zu Mobilfunk-und Festnetztelefon, waren es “nur” wenige Zentimeter. So muss sich ein Schiff anfühlen , wenn es auf Grund gelaufen ist. Ich benötigte selbst ca. 2 h bis der Rolli wieder frei war. Auf die “Flut” warten hätte vielleicht geholfen.

Da ich kein Telefon vom Boden aufheben kann, sollte das Herunterfallen vermieden werden.

Ich habe wenn ich im Rolli sitze immer ein Handy an einem Schlüsselbändchen umhängen. Ich musste schon mehrfach die 112 wählen.

In die Handytasche haben wir zwei Ösen gestanzt. An einem hängt das Schlüsselbändchen und an dem anderen hängen ich beim telefonieren mein Zeigefinger ein, da ich das Telefon nur ein bisschen festhalten kann.

Jeder von euch kennt die Smartphonetaschen, die Jogger am Oberarm tragen.

Eine solche Tasche nehmt ihr, lasst euch das Armband kürzen, dass die Tasche mit Telefon um den Unterarm passt.

Jetzt könnt ihr das Smartphone mit der anderen Hand bedienen, ohne das herunter fällt

Hier geht’s,…ääh..fährt man zur

Um alle Artikel der “Hilfsmittel-Serie” zu lesen, hier klicken.

(Am Ende des Blogs weiter bei ” ältere Einträge”)


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Wie vermeide ich als Rollifahrer das Herunterfallen meines Smartphones auch ohne Fingerfunktion!

Ich fahre ohne Handy selbst in meiner eigenen Wohnung nicht rum.

Was soll denn dort passieren?

Vor ein paar Jahren fuhr ich in meinem Büro über ein Verlängerungskabel. Dieses wickelte sich dann um meine Räder und ich kam weder vor noch zurück. Zu Mobilfunk-und Festnetztelefon, waren es “nur” wenige Zentimeter. So muss sich ein Schiff anfühlen , wenn es auf Grund gelaufen ist. Ich benötigte selbst ca. 2 h bis der Rolli wieder frei war. Auf die “Flut” warten hätte vielleicht geholfen.

Da ich kein Telefon vom Boden aufheben kann, sollte das Herunterfallen vermieden werden.

Ich habe wenn ich im Rolli sitze immer ein Handy an einem Schlüsselbändchen umhängen. Ich musste schon mehrfach die 112 wählen.

In die Handytasche haben wir zwei Ösen gestanzt. An einem hängt das Schlüsselbändchen und an dem anderen hängen ich beim telefonieren mein Zeigefinger ein, da ich das Telefon nur ein bisschen festhalten kann.

Jeder von euch kennt die Smartphonetaschen, die Jogger am Oberarm tragen.

Eine solche Tasche nehmt ihr, lasst euch das Armband kürzen, dass die Tasche mit Telefon um den Unterarm passt.

Jetzt könnt ihr das Smartphone mit der anderen Hand bedienen, ohne das herunter fällt

Hier geht’s,…ääh..fährt man zur

Um alle Artikel der “Hilfsmittel-Serie” zu lesen, hier klicken.

(Am Ende des Blogs weiter bei ” ältere Einträge”)


Ihr könnt euch über das RSS Artikel-Feed immer über neue Blogs informieren lassen. Hier klicken

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks XXIII

星期四, 十二月 22nd, 2016

I have introduced in an older blogpost

remote-controlled electrical sockets

as useful technical aid. I am using these things for years to switch my

Christmas Tree lighting

on and off. Since a couple of weeks my living room lamp gets switched on by a ghostly hand. I think it’s quite funny, a neighbour is probably using the same frequency!

Translator BL


Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LV

星期二, 十二月 13th, 2016


Technical Aids Tips und Tricks XLVII

星期一, 七月 11th, 2016

Noodle Strainer Hybrid

As I mentioned several times in the past, the function of my hands and fingers equal those of a four-year old armed with gloves in winter.
Since half a sandwich roll, plain without anything on it, already feels like a 5 kg weight to me, daily exercise of the hands and fingers is a must.
I have already tried various hand training tools. The classic soft rubber ball has the disadvantage that because of Isaac Newton it constantly falls to the ground if you spread or stretch your fingers.
More than eight years later I discovered this ingenious hand trainer, also known as a “noodle strainer”. About the expert use of such a devise I shall report in a later blog .

You put your fingers somewhat narrow or wider apart in the fitting holes. Since the inside ring is made of rubber you can quite simply perform hand curls- and stretches. With a slight twist of your arm it is also suitable for upper arm and wrist strength training.
If you want to make sure that the hand trainer does not fall down, simply attach a key band to two holes.
The hand trainer has no aid number and is considered sports equipment which explains the price of currently €29.95 plus shipping. It is available in various strengths levels at Sport-Thieme under Art.-No. 2194224.
To the link: click here

For Tetras like me, who still have some finger functions and people who have severe osteoarthritis this hand trainer is highly recommended, especially because it can be used comfortably while watching TV – no thinking required.

Excessive consumption of pasta might have a positive impact on the aerodynamics of a Rolli, but not so much on its axle load.

To read all articles of the “Tips on Aid Series”, click here.
At the end of the page simply go to: “OLDER ENTRIES”

Translator BW

Technical Aids Tips und Tricks XLVI

星期三, 二月 24th, 2016

It is due to the small fouls that wheelers are exposed every day to new challenges. You are blocked in from the side so that you can’t get into your car anymore, during cleaning the toaster is moved back to the wall, or the installation CD is put out of reach on the cupboard. My last week’s highlight was a beeping smoke alarm because the battery was empty when I was lying in my bed. All this is causing an uncontrollable neuron tornado in my head.

Among my favourites are open windows.

In the summer it’s getting warm and in winter quite cold, if the heater below is not running on full power which I can’t reach either.

There are definitely more important reasons to ring at the neighbour’s door than asking them to close an open window. Grrrrrrrrr…

The do-it-yourself store with 20% on everything except for the parts you really need offers a

Hobbit & wheelchair window closer

„almost“ usable in their assortment. However, small construction work needs still to be done.

Just take:

  • min. 1 meter aluminium pipe, thickness 12mm
  • 1 meter aluminium flat bar 15m x 1mm
  • 30 cm hose inner diameter 10mm- 12mm
  • 2x screw M4 x 25mm
  • 2x screw-nut, self-locking M4
  • 1x drill 4 mm with drive mechanism
  • Construction tools for screwing, or a set of healthy teeth ;-)

Cost of material ca. 10,00€

Saw the aluminium bar in ca. 2x 36 cm long pieces and pull the hose on one of the pieces.

Drill a 4 mm hole into all sides of the aluminium bars and the pipe centered with a space of 15 mm from the edge.

Bend the aluminium bar with hose oval e.g. using a bottle and bolt it two-sided with screw and screw-nut on one end of the pipe. This is going to be the window side.

The other aluminium bar is going to be the handle. This can be formed according to hand function or artistic freedom oval, square, round or even heart-shaped, main thing is that the bolting on the pipe is not forgotten.

(My white Vespa scooter from 1992 in the picture below with kick starter is looking for a new master!)

The operating mode of the window closer should be comprehensible, but could on special request be explained personally under phone number 00907/40059449665 for only ( €/min) by “Bernd das Brot”. (Translator’s note: Reference is made to a satirical sketch to spoof call-in shows on TV, (see also other blogpost).)

All open windows can be closed again now.

And how to open them we will learn tomorrow!!!

The certified re-constructor is obligated to send to the Rollinator a Chilli Pizza online.


Translator BL


Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LXIII

星期一, 四月 20th, 2015

Rollinator (Wheelinator)-Smartphone-Charging-Plug-Clip

Ever since I joined the folks on wheels, I carry my mobile phone/smartphone on a lanyard close to my heart ; -)

In the rare event that some cable gets wrapped around the rear wheel of the Wheelchair and therefore vehemently denies me to continue my ride, at least then should there be a phone in range.
I don’t think I need to elaborate about the extremely modest battery life of smart phones. Of course, the battery should always be full when out in the wild.

With my crooked fingers it takes me an estimated three minutes daily to stick the Micro USB charger in to the phone to be charged. I just realized that in the last three years I have rendered two full days of my life to my cell phone plug… just great!

The easiest solution to counter this waste of my time appeared to be in the purchase of a cradle charger. Unfortunately, it was not compatible with the leather cover of my phone.
A few years ago I built a holding device for the TV Magazine with just a small metal paper clip. This gave me the idea (see older post).

The perfect size to hold the Micro USB Plug is 20mm x 10mm x 8mm (0.8“ x 0.4” x 0.3”)

Attach a small cable tie and you practically get to plug it in without any finger function and daily blood pressure increase.

The paper clips can be found on the internet, in the stationery shop or after several days of searching maybe in one of your clutter trays.

For other tips on the subject of “tools for restricted finger and hand movement” like me, click here.

Translator BW

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LV

星期四, 十月 23rd, 2014


Technical Aids for Quadriplegics Part XVII

星期三, 九月 17th, 2014


Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LIII

星期四, 七月 24th, 2014


Technical Aids for Quadriplegics Part XIII

星期三, 六月 25th, 2014


Quadriplegic Workshop IV

星期四, 三月 6th, 2014


Technical Aids Tips and Tricks L

星期二, 一月 21st, 2014
