Archive for November 9th, 2011

3 Handicap parking stories in one day!

Wednesday, November 9th, 2011


Today no complaints!!!

Yesterday I was positively surprised that I actually could get hold of one of the 6 disabled parking places in front of the hospital for my X-ray appointment.

A black „mobile home“ with a star on the front was standing next to me.
Because SUV drivers often forget to display their disabled parking permit I made small labels which I put on their cars.

Furthermore I have fixed my new wheelchair parking sign on the window (see older blogpost), which unfolded its full effect after the car parking next to mine had changed, so that I really had enough space for getting into my car. Great thing.

When I wanted to back into my disabled parking place in front of my house around 6 o’clock, it was already dark, a woman on a bicycle was just passing by.

She stopped, came to me and friendly pointed out that this was a disabled parking place. In this moment she saw my wheelchair and parking permit.

I thanked her, she thought probably that I hadn’t seen the labeling in the dark.

I think her behaviour is exemplary and absolutely worth mentioning!

Translator BL