We quadriplegics (or: tetraplegics) name ourselves among each other “Teddies” or sometimes “Tetra Pack”. Because I am football fan of Eintracht Frankfurt I remembered that Eintracht promoted around 1995 “Tetra Pak” (translator’s note: trademark of a beverage carton) on their football shirts. These football shirts were at that time exceptionally in bright yellow.
To cut it short: I was in need for such a shirt!!!
But how do you get a more than 10 year old football shirt which was quite rare even at that time because most of the fans prefer the traditional Eintracht colours red and black. I hate it when somebody tells me what they flogged in Ebay and how they boosted the price. It’s normal, you will hear.
The Ebay results were poor.
I have then started my football shirt search in various fan forums.
The feedback was remarkable!
Unfortunately almost all offers were black-red football shirts.
Nobody told me which price they had in mind what I am usually used to!!!
I was stunned.
Should it be possible that nobody tries to rip me off this time?
It is unbelievable, but another Eintracht fan has not only given his as good as new yellow football shirt as a present to me, but didn’t even want to have the postage refunded.
His comment: I will give the football shirt to you for free if I can do you a favour with this. Regarding the money, I don’t want anything for the shirt or the postage. But maybe we meet some time at a match, then you can pay for the half-time beer
I was really happy!
I had to mention it, it helps more than any of my other 12 pills.
Translator BL