Posts Tagged ‘Computer’
Addendum Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LIX
星期四, 二月 22nd, 2018Chock XI
星期日, 三月 18th, 2012I am used to quite a bit as wheeler and am usually under the impression that nothing can really distract me. Now it’s about time again.
Good that I can’t run out of my flat screaming loudly.
If you once listen closely you get really aware how often it is “beeping” in one day from somewhere.
There is the beep for critical program termination of Windows, the dead battery of a mobile or wireless phone, a new e-mail, or the washing machine or tumble dryer asks to peg out the laundry immediately.
The egg boiler declares the eggs suitable for Easter, the garbage truck is somehow always beeping, everybody knows about the light still “on” at a car, and when backing with your own car the beeping sound is only predominated by the sound of the back light when you are driving against a road sign.
Additionally I can offer my deep freezer with extremely loud changing beep if it feels too warm, and my standing chair (see older blogpost), when its batteries are dead.
Even the well-known primary school bell now has a “beep, beep”.
Furthermore we don’t want to forget the phone beep for a call, SMS, MMS, WKW, Facebook and the 1000 hertz which the microwave produces when the Ravioli are hot, etc. etc. …
With all the beeping you don’t even notice when your own body is beeping. Eh…
This morning 08:46 h I got for the first time aware of a beeping sound in my bedroom. First I had one of my beloved smoke detectors under suspicion which friendly, but determining call attention for a battery exchange.
For those who are now finally of the opinion that the Rollinator should go into drug rehab should be said that my body at the moment produces every two hours an about 2 seconds long beep, type “Meeehp!!!” in absolutely fine surround sound. I would even hear it naked alone in the sauna.
The answer is quite simple:
My medication pump implanted in my belly is running low on “fuel”!!!
My alarm day was recorded incorrectly in my PC. I would have an appointment at my doctor on Thursday to refill my pump which currently doesn’t really help me on!!!
According to my records my pump is supposed to be beeping since three days.
I’m curious if I can find a kind filling station… ehhh… doctor tomorrow!
Fill ‘er up 600 €
Translator BL
Chock Part XII
星期三, 十月 19th, 2011Today only moaning!!!
After 3 weeks of permanent lying in a hospital bed I was glad to be home again.
I knew that the whole situation with broken leg and orthosis would be a little inconvenient in everyday life, and usually I see everything quite sportingly, but the quantity of small and big fouls can hardly be compensated even with larger amounts of pills.
It’s hard to believe how a broken leg which is anyway “standing” useless on the footrest or stool can bother you.
Thus I haven’t written a new blogpost for a couple of days due to lack of time.
Although I have a customized car with hand throttle I can’t use it because the broken leg has to be constantly rested in an elevated position so that it won’t swell, great…
Outside trips are not possible with the tank wheelchair (see last blogpost). Well, now the weather is quite crappy anyway.
If you have finally reached the desk with the leg on the flower stool to do something useful the printer paper is empty, or you can’t reach the correspondence in the filing basket any more.
Because I “may” lie in my bed frequently and early and my finger function is quite crappy anyway I thought the acquisition of a tablet PC with touch screen instead of a laptop with internet connection via WLAN for the bedroom would be quite smart. For everybody who suffers from chronic boredom I recommend an Acer 500 with Android operating system. This thing is comparable to an iPad.
Synchronization with my Windows PC is possible, but you “just” have to look for suitable apps out of perceived 2 million in the internet first and install them. New job profile: Certified App Finder, this would be something nice. Then feed this multimedia device with some data, connect to the router, and lying about in the bedroom is possible with world connection as well.
My home network router might bring WiFi connection through the complete Gobi desert, but in a reasonable reinforced concrete building with iron door cases in which I live it ends from office to bedroom after 9 meters. Great…
A second router is quickly organized, but about the installation of it as WLAN repeater I will write a scientific essay some time and submit it to Stockholm.
I was momentarily willing to return my certificate as electronic technician to the chamber of commerce. Is that possible???
With all the wire mess I had managed in the meantime that a cable got entangled in the spokes of my wheelchair so that it was not possible to move neither back nor forth any more.
So, enough moaning, now I will dedicate myself to the chaos caused in the office, it can be only a matter of days…
Translator BL
(Deutsch) Spezial- Bremskeil V
星期三, 八月 4th, 2010对不起,此内容只适用于Deutsch。