Posts Tagged ‘Key’

Technical Aids for Quadriplegics Part XIV

Sunday, January 13th, 2019


Schlüsselhalter “Carbocage” wie für uns Tetras gemacht

Es ist für uns Tetraplegiker äußerst schwierig Schlösser auf und zu zu schließen, insbesondere wenn es nicht möglich ist Daumen und Zeigefinger zusammenzudrücken.
Das müssen nicht unbedingt Türschlösser sein, es könnte wie bei mir auch um ein Vorhängeschloss der Kellertür handeln.

Schlüsselhalter Carbocage

Video mit mehr Informationen auf das Bild klicken

Mit diesem Schlüsselhalter habe ich meinen Frieden mit der Wohnungstür gemacht. Er besteht aus 2 stabilen Carbonplatten und funktioniert wie ein Schweizer Taschenmesser.
Mit verschieden langen Schrauben bekommt man maximal 16 Schlüssel hinein einfach festgeschraubt.
Der Schlüsselhalter- Carbocage ist mit seinen ab ca. 30 € nicht der günstigste, ich habe ihn aber schon lange in Benutzung und möchte nicht stundenlang fluchend vor meine Wohnungstür stehen. Man bekommt ihn bei vielen Onlinehändlern

Addendum Technical Aids Tips and Tricks VII

Thursday, July 12th, 2012


I have already reported on 01.04.2010 about a

vertical magnet key holder

(see older blogpost).

It is nothing new that a wheeler is wearing a couple of key chains every now and then.
Slowly this technique gets a little annoying and a bit out of hand…!!!

(picture is not faked!!!)

If the chains are collectively lying around, for no apparent reason a Gordian knot is formed again and again. I explain this by the momentum.

Therefore I have meanwhile established a key chain

hanging board parking place.

Maybe I should sort the key chains by spectral colours.

Translator BL

Technical Aids Tips und Tricks XLIII

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Crazy Flash Part VIII

Monday, August 1st, 2011


Apparently it has gotten around that I am not one of the tallest any more with my 1,38 m in the wheelchair.


notice on the door of my flat

of an outside company is a real hit…

So somebody actually thought ahead, or it was a hobbit ;-)

Please note as well the perceived 12 kg

key chains

With the whole weight in my neck I am always hoping that my titanium vertebra is not breaking…

Translator BL

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks XVIII

Saturday, October 9th, 2010


The market for technical aids is huge.

There is almost everything you can imagine in the broadest sense. The problem is not only that this stuff is unreasonably expensive, but also apparently nobody has ever tested it.

The Taiwanese fabricate a basically ingenious key holder, like a Suisse Army Knife.
This can be found in almost every catalogue for technical aids.
Because of its size the key holder can be grasped even with limited finger functions. If the key is stuck in the lock the holder is bent by 90° so that you can open the lock due to the big lever with your “little finger”!!!

Attention: If someone else wants to open a door with your key holder please point out to him that a key can be broken off quickly with this technical aid.

The bad thing is that our European keys are a little thicker than the Asian ones and therefore don’t fit in. Such technical aids disappear in the cupboard, like the food processer from the home shopping channel. I have adjusted my

Key holder

accordingly (filed the slots and provided with a longer screw), and I am using it daily.

Last year on the rehab fair I have pointed out this deficit to the Taiwanese. Yesterday I was at the Rehacare in Düsseldorf, but I didn’t see the key holder any more.

Translator BL

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks VII

Thursday, April 1st, 2010


As self-confessed hobbit with 1,38 m total height forehead top sitting in the wheelchair you have to confess every now and then that the upward reach is a little limited.
My well-tried

key hooks

suddenly have a perceived height of 2,10 m after my accident.
If you aren’t a friend of the fishing sport then taking down the keys turns out to be a bit tedious and can be dangerous.
The usage of safety glasses and helmet is mandatory.

Yellow North European Furniture Elks

are offering a

magnet holder for kitchen knives,

which I have declared as

vertical magnet key holder.

Watch out, there are two types.
One of the holders just succeeds to prevent a paper clip from falling down.

Translator BL