Posts Tagged ‘Telephone’

Addendum Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LX

Friday, March 2nd, 2018

Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LVI

Thursday, January 5th, 2017



I never go anywhere without my smart phone, not even in my own apartment.

What could really happen there?

t happened a few years ago in my office that I rolled over a 220 Volt extension cord and got caught in it. The cable got wrapped around the wheels and I could not move forth or back. I was only a few centimeters away from both my phones, mobile and landline. I felt like a ship that ran aground! It took me about 2 hours to free myself. Waiting for the “flood” might have helped I.
Since I am not able to pick up a phone from the floor I should certainly avoid letting it fall.

When sitting in my wheelchair I always have a smart phone on a key chain around my neck. A few times I did have to dial 911.

We punched two holes in the cell phone case, one to attach the key chain and the other one to insert my index finger for support because I cannot entirely hold the phone on my own.

You all know those smart phone pockets, the ones that joggers wrap around their upper arms.

Take such a pouch and shorten the sling so it fits around your forearm.

Now you can operate your smart phone with the other hand without the risk of it falling to the floor.

Translator BW

Quadriplegic Workshop III

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010


You have probably noticed already that I am a self-confessed pedant in the technical area.

I am very lucky that my family and friends again and again take their time to realize my sometimes a bit weird ideas in the area of technical aids.
It is hardly possible to do this myself with my handicap.

At this stage many, many thanks.

If I wouldn’t have this kind of help my technical aids would be a lot more basic.

Here is a great idea how you can help yourself as quadriplegic with the most simple means.
The tie wrap on the phone has amongst others the reason to hang the phone over the brake of the wheelchair.

Thank you for the tip, I need more of these!!!

Even I can write serious blogposts.
Where have my pills gone?

Translator BL

QuadriplegicTips Part VII

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009


I have made all the time

Crash tests

with my new telephones.

Quite robust these things. :-)

A bit of double-faced adhesive tape and my beloved

non-slip reel

(see older blogpost) can work miracles….

Strong like a tiger, clever like Mc Gyver!

Translator BL