Archive for the ‘Mobility equipment’ Category
Annual Review 2018 – Part 2 Mallorca
Monday, December 31st, 2018Not planned and ever so reluctant!
Thursday, February 16th, 2017 Frontpage eigude wheelchair blog
In October 2016 I had to be transported to the hospital on a stretcher, my wheelchair in tow.
For days I had been lying in that hospital bed when my wife visited and tried to take a seat in my wheelchair. It was placed as usual at the head of the bed. Strangely, it would not move despite the released brakes.
It appeared that a nurse had placed the hospital bed by accident on one of the wheelchair brakes. The brake lever extension reached about 5 cm beyond the wheelchair and must have been in the way. When we learned that the frame had been damaged and there were no more spare parts available for this old wheelchair, I was close to tears. All the special parts and modifications: Speedy Electra/Bike, Stricker Bike, Mini-Trac, Free-Wheel, mountain bike wheels and – most importantly it fit on to the loading system of my car! Not to mention all the other special equipment (see older posts). What we have been through together… 500 blogs on the by now!
There I was – dwelling on my total economic loss! After eight years we had built quite a relationship (sniff)!
Damage report was written, lots of phone calls were made. I spare you the details.
About three weeks later the clinic insurance asked to see invoices. Well, I had none because the wheelchair had been issued by my health insurance. They could not produce any papers either and since it was so old simply suggested to get a prescription for a new wheelchair. It would be handled between the insurances, nothing more required on my part.
On December 24th my first Christmas present arrived in form of a reimbursement confirmation for my supposedly new wheelchair. I was pleased!
Two weeks ago it was ready for pick-up at the sanitary supply store. We immediately switched a few parts over from the old one to the new Rolli (took 2.5 hours). The next day I already had to fill air in the tires and the day after I finally had a flat. The first flat tire in nine years!
Now look at what I have to get around with (click here).
Translator BW
Sunday, January 1st, 2017
It’s all a question of hardware…!!!
Today I was on tour with my Minitrac (see older blogposts) for the first time in the snow.
With its tractor tyres it is a perfect technical aid.
Translator BL
Sport News IV
Monday, April 27th, 2015I’ve always been passionate about sport, in particular the Olympics of course, even though I’ve never been there at a live event. Summer or winter Olympics, makes no difference to me. In my previous life I was more of a winter sports enthusiast. For evidence click here.
When I was still in the hospital after my accident in 2008 the Paralympics Games in Beijing were shown on big screen TV during my physiotherapy.
I was particularly impressed with the incredibly fast racing wheelchairs, because at that time I was just able to move about 50 yards in less than six minutes in the hospital hallways without my oxygen tent, or without qualified pushes
Last week I met with the Tunisian racing wheelchair guy Ahmed Aouadi, who participated in the Olympics in 2008 in Beijing and in 2012 in London. He currently trains as a “lone warrior” for Rio de Janeiro 2016 at a sports club close to my home.
Racing wheeler Ahmed Aouadi
Ahmed Aouadi with a racing wheelchair vs.
Rollinator (Wheelynator) with a e-handbike
Even with my motorized hand bike under full engine assistance I didn’t stand a chance against Ahmed. If you look closely, you can see that at about 20 km/h (12.5 mph) every now and then he’s waiting for me.
His INVACARE -Racing wheelchair weighs a mere 6 kilograms (13.4 lbs), which equals the weight of one of the two batteries on my bike. Nevertheless, that is no excuse!
My highest respect for such athletic performance!
I’m not giving up that easily! I might be slow in a wheelchair, but I know how to tune engines
Eigude Shame Part XXVII
Friday, November 28th, 2014Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Addendum Technical Aids Tips and Tricks IXL
Monday, October 6th, 2014I have nominated the FreeWheel 2012 as technical aid of the year.
I don’t want to repeat the whole blogpost here, so please see yourself the Blogpost 2012 FreeWheel.
It is a spoked wheel in the size of a children’s bicycle which you can clamp to the footrest in front of your wheelchair. This thing is ingenious and in permanent use for me.
Uneven paths, curbs, cobble stone, sand, gravel, grass and of course snow are no barrier anymore with the FreeWheel.
In the past the FreeWheel was only available for rigid frame wheelchairs. I bought from the inventor Patrick Dougherty his sample wheel for the trade fair and clamped it by magic on my foldable wheelchair with end-to-end footrest.
I sent him the pictures of my variant of wheelchair adaption, and he gave some thought about an adaptor.
After 2 years of development there is officially a FreeWheel Adaptor for foldable wheelchairs available since spring 2014.
Unfortunately only for wheelchairs with split footrest, as far as I understood.
FreeWheel adaptor for foldable wheelchairs
For questions as usual please contact:
Translator BL
Sport News IX
Sunday, September 7th, 2014Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Wheelchair Tuning Part IXXXX
Thursday, April 10th, 2014Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LI
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.