Archive for the ‘Urlaub’ Category

Annual Review 2018 – Part 2 Mallorca

星期一, 十二月 31st, 2018

Zum ersten Mal am Ballermann

Die Flüge auf die Kanaren sind mir momentan etwas zu weit, also versuchen wir es mit Mallorca. Nachdem wir im letzten Jahr in Sa Coma zwischen lauter Familien mit Kleinkindern gelandet waren, was für ein kinderloses Paar sagen wir mal suboptimal ist, ging es dieses Jahr mitten ins Leben: An die Playa de Palma, in ein Hotel in Sichtweite zum Megapark (wer es nicht kennt, hier treten Jürgen Drews und andere Ballermann-Acts auf).

Unsere Bedenken waren schnell vergessen, wir waren vom Hotel begeistert: Super-geräumige Rollizimmer, Essen spitze, und die Fenster hielten den Megapark draußen ;-)

Den Party-Marathon am Ballermann kann man mitmachen, muss man aber nicht. Natürlich waren wir auch mal im Bierkönig. Lieber Mama Lauda im Bierkönig als Tschu Tschu in der Kinderdisco (obwohl die Texte nicht wirklich anspruchsvoller sind).

Aber es gibt auch genug gediegene Cocktailbars, und direkt an Ballermann 6 überraschend gute und günstige Restaurants.

Und wenn man mal seine Ruhe haben möchte, geht/fährt man einfach 1-2 km an der Playa de Palma entlang.

Mit meinem Minitrac brauche ich mir auch in mallorquinischen Bergdörfern keine Sorgen um die Bodenbeschaffenheit zu machen.

Und für noch mehr Action bucht man einen Tagesausflug mit der Fundación Handisport Mallorca (mit ihnen waren wir vor ein paar Jahren schon mal segeln) und kann mit einem speziellen 4×4 Geländerolli mit 15 cm Bodenfreiheit durch Feld und Flur fahren.

Nachdem meine geliebte Eintracht Frankfurt nach 30 Jahren den Pokalsieg holte, machte ich am nächsten Tag einen 1-Mann-Corso über die Strandpromenade.

Urlaub auf Mallorca 2018

Die Flüge auf die Kanaren sind mir momentan etwas zu weit, also versuchen wir es mit Mallorca. Nachdem wir im letzten Jahr in Sa Coma zwischen lauter Familien mit Kleinkindern gelandet waren, was für ein kinderloses Paar sagen wir mal suboptimal ist, ging es dieses Jahr mitten ins Leben: An die Playa de Palma, in ein Hotel in Sichtweite zum Megapark (wer es nicht kennt, hier treten Jürgen Drews und andere Ballermann-Acts auf).

Unsere Bedenken waren schnell vergessen, wir waren vom Hotel begeistert: Super-geräumige Rollizimmer, Essen spitze, und die Fenster hielten den Megapark draußen ;-)

Den Party-Marathon am Ballermann kann man mitmachen, muss man aber nicht. Natürlich waren wir auch mal im Bierkönig. Lieber Mama Lauda im Bierkönig als Tschu Tschu in der Kinderdisco (obwohl die Texte nicht wirklich anspruchsvoller sind).

Aber es gibt auch genug gediegene Cocktailbars, und direkt an Ballermann 6 überraschend gute und günstige Restaurants.

Und wenn man mal seine Ruhe haben möchte, geht/fährt man einfach 1-2 km an der Playa de Palma entlang.

Mit meinem Minitrac brauche ich mir auch in mallorquinischen Bergdörfern keine Sorgen um die Bodenbeschaffenheit zu machen.

Und für noch mehr Action bucht man einen Tagesausflug mit der Fundación Handisport Mallorca (mit ihnen waren wir vor ein paar Jahren schon mal segeln) und kann mit einem speziellen 4×4 Geländerolli mit 15 cm Bodenfreiheit durch Feld und Flur fahren.

Nachdem meine geliebte Eintracht Frankfurt nach 30 Jahren den Pokalsieg holte, machte ich am nächsten Tag einen 1-Mann-Corso über die Strandpromenade.

(Deutsch) Rolli-Exkursion Mallorca 2017

星期日, 六月 25th, 2017


New savetysystem detected in Sri Lanka

星期三, 六月 3rd, 2015

The traffic in Sri Lanka for us Europeans takes some time to get used to. As a training camp I recommend Frankfurt “Platz der Republic” during rush hour and a fair; driving through junctions, honking horns and squeezing through anything… and somewhere in between still fits a tuk-tuk or a moped.

This is called efficient road use – keeping a safety distance is wasted asphalt ;-) During the past 15 years a lot has happened with the infrastructure, but somehow pedestrian crosswalks are still perceived as decoration, and cows and elephants always have the right of way anyway … aahh … or so.

Using the horn is prohibited in front of temples, and this is really the ONLY traffic rule obeyed!!!

This moped rider shows some astounding creativity in developing a new innovative safety concept for two-wheelers, at the same time bio-airbag, side impact protection and spacer. For this purpose he uses renewable raw materials in form of jackfruits.

Other than the cushioning effect in accidents ripe jackfruits spread such a stench that no other vehicle dares to get closer than a few feet. However, the improvement of the aerodynamics is negatively offset by the increase of the total weight of 150 kg – from zero to 50 in 2 minutes. To read the complede “Sri Lanka- serial” ,

click here.

Translator BW


Helicopter flight above Sri Lanka

星期日, 五月 31st, 2015

Sri Lanka, all that green and no apple trees

We were suitably picked up by a driver named “Amigo”, sporting aviator mirror sunglasses, in a silver-colored Hummer (as labeled on the hood, yet with a Honda logo at the steering wheel) and brought to the military airport in Colombo.

We were greeted by a welcome committee ready with a wheelchair, in which Lieutenant Dan probably sat already. Fortunately, they let me use my own.

We were the only tourists at the entire airport. The security chief himself took care of us right away. Our tour guide did honor to his name when he was suddenly back in the security area before us, because the security chief happened to be an old classmate of his.

Meanwhile the four bored immigration attendants were waiting in their turquoise blue saris for the end of their work day.

A golf cart pulled up equipped with mountings for flags, so strictly speaking a diplomat’s car. I started to feel like celebrity ;-) After some negotiation I was allowed to make the 100 meters to the launch site in my chair. For that I was accompanied by one of the turquoise wrapped ladies as a personal umbrella holder and also by two of my very own security guards. In my entourage puttered the golf cart with the three other passengers, one more sari-lady and even more security. Did I have a sign “Follow Me” on my vest?!

Arriving at the helicopter we were greeted by the pilot while another three men came from the hangar. I guess, I was the highlight of the day, perhaps even month, and everybody wanted to be there when the crazy white wheelchair man boarded the helicopter.

Approx. twelve men stood around me and waited for a command, how to best get me up and in there (seat height was about 1.40 m). The well proven safety grip did not work in this case.

As a result my old dream of a palanquin wheelchair was almost met, when four men lifted my wheelchair up to entrance height, from where I could with the help of my slide board comfortably slide on to the seat. This way my slide board literally turned in to a flight board ;-) The ground troops were thrilled! For a short while I felt like sitting on a throne, since everybody else was still down on the ground. I was tempted to wave to my people like the Queen, but then rather decided on a shy thumbs-up. What an uplifting feeling! It is indeed very special for someone who sits in a wheelchair, to suddenly be the tallest person around ;-)

We were flying towards the middle of the island to Kandy, and the pilot managed nicely to stay ahead of the looming monsoon rains.

The view of the island was, particularly of the highlands, comparable with the landscapes that one knows from films like Platoon and Forrest Gump. Everything is green, tea plantations and more palm trees than I have ever seen in 1 1/2 hours (and no apple trees – no apple trees, just pineapples!)

Shortly before landing, the pilot radioed that he needed more time to get ground clearance, since he had a wheelchair on board. To us this seemed a little exaggerated, because there was certainly not any more traffic than at the airport Kassel-Calden at rush-hour, (one plane the day). But everything must have its order ;-)

Back on the ground we already saw two men, who pushed my wheelchair from the hangar. One of them examined my sliding board from all sides in sheer fascination. I suspect he started that evening to work the jigsaw ; -) He must have been quite disappointed when it wasn’t used again for the transfer back from the helicopter…

Instead, the classical safety grip/throwing technique came to use, so that after the roundtrip the departure happened by a wheelchair spot landing. The Pilot was obviously impressed, because he said: “I know my game”.

On the way back the same welcome committee was awaiting us including umbrella holder, security guards and golf cart. The weather god was also gracious and only changed his mind after I was safe in my wheelchair again. Then the sky opened and the monsoon season greeted us. My personal umbrella holder kept walking next to me, unmoved by the fact that she got drenched, but she probably was used to this kind of downpour – her only comment was “It’s just rain”.

I would have liked to show you more evidence, but since we are talking about a military airport and members of the military, we held back a little on the photo shooting. A checkup of the accessibility of the local military jail was not part of the itinerary…

To read the complede “Sri Lanka- serial” , click here.

Translator BW

Wheelchair expedition Sri Lanka Part IV

星期六, 五月 30th, 2015


Wheelchair expedition Sri Lanka Part III

星期五, 五月 29th, 2015


Wheelchair expedition Sri Lanka Part II

星期四, 五月 28th, 2015

Next we needed to select the airline. Since Sri Lankan Airlines is the only one that offers direct flights from Frankfurt and also because our friend is a flight attendant with them (a few connections can’t hurt – see older Blog: food on wings), this was our choice. Various airlines from the Gulf States also offer flights to Sri Lanka, but of course not direct.

Sri Lankan Airlines allows 30 kg free baggage per person plus carry-on; my wheelchair plus a second one if needed, would also be free.

However, I had to make some phone calls (my “favorite activity” ), until I got the confirmation that both my bathroom chair “Artosy”, which can be folded to fit in a hard case, as well as other medical aids would be carried for free, even without prior notification.

(Up to then I only knew that all expedients must be declared in advance. This info is as always without guarantee.)

In addition Sri Lankan Airlines still wanted some a kind of a medical form signed by my family doctor. Always something new…

The “International Medical Information Form” was what felt like the eighth fax copy of a micro script in English, which was hard to decipher before translation.

For a readable PDF-version of the questionnaire of Air Berlin click here.

Medizinisches Informationsformular (deutsch): Teil I und Teil II

Medical Information Form (englisch): Part II and Part II

Since I needed some additional vaccinations for precaution, and also a certificate for my meds, my Doc got to see me quite often during the weeks before the vacation.

At the end our luggage pile equaled that of an emigration! Between the 4 of us we hauled 5 suitcases incl. bathroom chair, 3 carry-ons, 1 XL-Wheelchair Backpack and 2 oversized women’s purses. Had there been a film crew from VOX, it wouldn’t have surprised me. However, despite shower chair and other tools we still had 30 kg unused capacity. We only declared my Rolli as special baggage.

Yay, 30kg free luggage for Souvenirs on the return flight – … the creditcard might get hot!

To be continued…

Click here to go to older blogs on the subject of “flying with a wheelchair”

To read all parts of the “Sri Lanka-Series” click here.

Translator BL

Wheelchair expedition Sri Lanka Part I

星期三, 五月 27th, 2015


Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LXII

星期一, 三月 30th, 2015


Eigude Shame Part XXVII

星期五, 十一月 28th, 2014


Ghost Bathroom

星期五, 十月 31st, 2014

In a designated wheelchair hotel it goes without saying that the bathrooms are accessible and have an accessible shower.

Bathtubs are only used rarely by us wheelers.
Here some Spanish mechanics really have bricked up the former bath tub and made a storage rack out of it. I like!

My wife as a pedestrian felt discriminated.

Taking a closer examination, it could also be a

Sacrophagus of a tomb

You better don’t ask the question if there is still anybody lying in it.

Translator BL


Addendum Technical Aids Tips and Tricks IXL

星期一, 十月 6th, 2014


I have nominated the FreeWheel 2012 as technical aid of the year.

I don’t want to repeat the whole blogpost here, so please see yourself the Blogpost 2012 FreeWheel.

It is a spoked wheel in the size of a children’s bicycle which you can clamp to the footrest in front of your wheelchair. This thing is ingenious and in permanent use for me.

Uneven paths, curbs, cobble stone, sand, gravel, grass and of course snow are no barrier anymore with the FreeWheel.

In the past the FreeWheel was only available for rigid frame wheelchairs. I bought from the inventor Patrick Dougherty his sample wheel for the trade fair and clamped it by magic on my foldable wheelchair with end-to-end footrest.

I sent him the pictures of my variant of wheelchair adaption, and he gave some thought about an adaptor.

After 2 years of development there is officially a FreeWheel Adaptor for foldable wheelchairs available since spring 2014.

Unfortunately only for wheelchairs with split footrest, as far as I understood.

FreeWheel adaptor for foldable wheelchairs

For questions as usual please contact:

Translator BL

Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LIV Rehacare 2014

星期三, 十月 1st, 2014


Back from the German Alps

星期四, 八月 28th, 2014


Ingenious: A cooling vest and Cap which only needs water!

星期六, 七月 27th, 2013

Due to the rather tropical outside temperatures I would like to call your attention like every year to two older blogposts!

One is about a

Cooling Vest

(click here)

and the other one about a

Cooling Cap

(click here)

Since the summer 2013 has found us as well I have the prototype of a cooling shirt, also from the company E-cooline in permanent test mode, and I am happy.

Read the comments to the blogposts, there are some tips of other readers!!!

Translator BL