Posts Tagged ‘Football Shirt’

Football Women’s World Cup Part II

Thursday, July 14th, 2011


Semi final: Sweden – Japan 1:3

Yesterday it was raining only once. It started in the morning at 07:45. It was raining, raining, and in between it was raining as well.

Rainy weather and wheelchair, that doesn’t fit. When you are travelling alone with an umbrella, you are always driving around in circles ;-)

The only positive thing with rain is, it doesn’t hurt!!!

Unbelievable, but God is a football fan…
Just in time before the kick-off the pouring rain stopped, and all 46000 fans arrived with dry hair at the Frankfurt stadium to the semi final Sweden vs. Japan. The Wet T-Shirt Contest would have been omitted anyway as the stadium roof was closed to be on the safe side.
Because I am supporting the playing technique of the Swedes, the visual appearance of the ladies doesn’t interest me in no way, all contradictory claims would be a lie, I went to the stadium together with my wife in the best mood.
My yellow Eintracht Frankfurt Tetra-Pack football shirt from the 90s (see older blogpost), was virtually made for this event. About the match I remain silent.

Japan has deservedly won, will I be rolling to the final against the US?

Translator BL


Semi final: Sweden – Japan 1:3

Yesterday it was raining only once. It started in the morning at 07:45. It was raining, raining, and in between it was raining as well.

Rainy weather and wheelchair, that doesn’t fit. When you are travelling alone with an umbrella, you are always driving around in circles ;-)

The only positive thing with rain is, it doesn’t hurt!!!

Unbelievable, but God is a football fan…
Just in time before the kick-off the pouring rain stopped, and all 46000 fans arrived with dry hair at the Frankfurt stadium to the semi final Sweden vs. Japan. The Wet T-Shirt Contest would have been omitted anyway as the stadium roof was closed to be on the safe side.
Because I am supporting the playing technique of the Swedes, the visual appearance of the ladies doesn’t interest me in no way, all contradictory claims would be a lie, I went to the stadium together with my wife in the best mood.
My yellow Eintracht Frankfurt Tetra-Pack football shirt from the 90s (see older blogpost), was virtually made for this event. About the match I remain silent.

Japan has deservedly won, will I be rolling to the final against the US?

Translator BL

Football Women’s World Cup Part I

Tuesday, July 12th, 2011


Germany – Nigeria 1:0

I could actually get hold of one of the 100 wheelchair tickets for the stadium.

In total almost 50.000 people fit in the Frankfurt stadium. I consider the contingent of 100 wheelchair places as much too high. Thus you get the admission tickets quasi imposed so that not so many places remain vacant. Ho, ho, ho…

In the preparation I was yet surprised that I received together with the admission ticket a parking permit as well. Look at that:

I am standing with my car directly in front of the

main entrance of the stadium!!!

Ok, the actual match was, let’s call it “valuable”, didn’t have the highest standard in football terms, but the whole event was an experience.

I think I got somewhere some orange tickets lying around…

Translator BL



Tetrapack II

Sunday, March 21st, 2010


There is a football god after all!!!

I have reported in one of my first blogposts how another Eintracht Frankfurt football fan I didn’t know gave me his 17 year old

yellow Tetrapak Eintracht Frankfurt football shirt
(see older blogpost)

, which I was looking for.
As if I had anticipated it, I decided on Saturday 2 hours before kick-off of the match

Eintracht Frankfurt vs. Bayern Munich

to call my cousin to watch the match with him live on TV. I should mention that at this time Bayern Munich was unbeaten for the last 19 matches, and my cousin and I had endured the 0:4 home match loss against these Southern Germans half a year ago in the stadium.
Well then, my cousin had told his colleague my story with the yellow Tetrapak football shirt, whereupon he gave him a couple of weeks ago his old

red Tetrapak football shirt

for me.
Heaven only knows why Stefan came as well yesterday of all days to watch football with us.
Eintracht played great.
Within the last 4 minutes they could turn the 0:1 score with two goals and sent Bayern home with


The photo was made before the match.

It shows the girlfriend of my cousin, Stefan and me.

Translator BL

FuĂźballticket auf Rezept

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

Wir rollstuhlfahrende Großstädter können unseren aufstauenden Emotionen nicht freien Lauf lassen.
Durch die enge Besiedlung der Städte sind wir gezwungen,
emotionale AusbrĂĽche wie,

Lautes Schreien und das Werfen von Gegenständen!
(außer Wattebällchen)

in unseren Wohnungen zu unterdrĂĽcken.
Dies hat den Hintergrund, dass kein Nachbar jemals mehr zu Hilfe käme, wenn man wirklich ernsthafte Schwierigkeiten hätte,
wie zum Beispiel nach einem ungewollten

Rolli- Bodentransfer.

In den Praxen der Psychologen, wird man angehalten, ruhig zu bleiben und

In sich zu gehen!

Das soll mir mal jemand erklären, wie ich das als Rollifahrer bewerkstelligen kann.

Es ist zum:

Aus der Haut Fahren!!!

ZurĂĽck zum Kernpunkt:

Um die aufgestauten Emotionen kontrolliert abzubauen, gibt es zwei Möglichkeiten:

Eine/en Freund/in fragen, ob er/sie einen in den Wald fährt (da dort nicht so viel Polizei unterwegs ist), um mal so richtig


Man sollte jedoch bedenken, dass Rotwild und Bären angelockt werden könnten.

Die zweite und erheblich ungefährliche Methode besteht mit dem Besuch einer der häufig stattfindenden Sportveranstaltungen.
Prädestiniert hierfür ist der Besuch von


Es ist völlig unerheblich, was der Patient schreit, es interessiert im Stadion sowieso niemanden. Hauptsache laut und kein gegnerischer Fangesang.
Privatpatienten* erhalten angeblich den Besuch von

1. Bundesliga Spiele

schon seit Jahren auf Rezept.

Diese Alternativtherapie sollte generell im Hilfsmittelkatalog der Krankenkassen aufgenommen werden. Sie ist erheblich kostengünstiger, als der Verbrauch von 50 kg Wattebällchen im Monat.

*Die Privaten Krankenkassen bezahlt fast alles:
Z.B. eine „Rollihängebahn“ für das Treppenhaus,
oder in absurden Sonderfällen angeblich auch mal einen
mit zwei Edelstahlrohren auf den KotflĂĽgeln,
um durch diese, die Bambusstöcke durchschieben zu können
. smilie_crazy
(Ich nehme einfach zu viele Tabletten!)

Tetrapack I

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009


We quadriplegics (or: tetraplegics) name ourselves among each other “Teddies” or sometimes “Tetra Pack”. Because I am football fan of Eintracht Frankfurt I remembered that Eintracht promoted around 1995 “Tetra Pak” (translator’s note: trademark of a beverage carton) on their football shirts. These football shirts were at that time exceptionally in bright yellow.

To cut it short: I was in need for such a shirt!!!

But how do you get a more than 10 year old football shirt which was quite rare even at that time because most of the fans prefer the traditional Eintracht colours red and black. I hate it when somebody tells me what they flogged in Ebay and how they boosted the price. It’s normal, you will hear.
The Ebay results were poor.
I have then started my football shirt search in various fan forums.
The feedback was remarkable!
Unfortunately almost all offers were black-red football shirts.
Nobody told me which price they had in mind what I am usually used to!!!
I was stunned.
Should it be possible that nobody tries to rip me off this time?
It is unbelievable, but another Eintracht fan has not only given his as good as new yellow football shirt as a present to me, but didn’t even want to have the postage refunded.
His comment: I will give the football shirt to you for free if I can do you a favour with this. Regarding the money, I don’t want anything for the shirt or the postage. But maybe we meet some time at a match, then you can pay for the half-time beer :-)
I was really happy!
I had to mention it, it helps more than any of my other 12 pills.

Translator BL