Posts Tagged ‘Frankfurt’

Annual Review 2018 Part 3

Tuesday, January 8th, 2019

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Annual Review 2018 – Part 1

Monday, December 31st, 2018

Wenn es mir langweilig wird,  gehe ich zum Arzt,… oder gibt es da noch mehr?


Leider war ich schon länger etwas schreibfaul. Mittlerweile werde ich schon als Profi-Patient bezeichnet.

Neben zahlreichen Besuchen bei meinem Hausarzt und diversen Spezialisten wie HNO, Lungenfacharzt, Phoniator, Urologe und diversen Krankenhausbesuchen habe ich regelmäßige Physiotherapie- und Logopädie-Termine und muss mich um die Verordnungen aller Art für Medikamente,Hilfsmittel, Therapien und Rollstuhlreparaturen kümmern.

Zu allem Überfluss hatte ich mit meinem Handbike im September noch eine Kollision mit einem Linienbus (unverschuldet), bei der ich mir erstens die Hand brach und zweitens mein Rolli seitdem nicht mehr geradeaus fährt. Ich schlage mich seitdem mit Krankenkasse und Sanitätshaus wegen einer Rollstuhlreparatur herum und warte immer noch (!) auf die Lieferung und Einbau der Ersatzteile.

Und als wären meine speziellen medizinischen Belange noch nicht genug, schnitzte man mir Anfang des Jahres im Gesicht herum, und Ende des Jahres brach mir ein Stück Zahn ab.


Dieses Jahr waren es immer nur ein paar stationäre Tage im Krankenhaus.

Man muss nicht zwingend Fußballer sein um in dem Kaisersaal vom Römer in Frankfurt eingeladen zu werden.

Es wurde erst nach zwei Wochen festgestellt, dass die Hand zweimal gebrochen war.

Dennoch gibt es tatsächlich noch ein Leben außerhalb der Medizin! Und ich lasse mich durch nichts davon abbringen, daran teilzunehmen.

Ich war dieses Jahr wieder bei zahlreichen Konzerten, im Stadion bei „meiner“ Eintracht (Pokalsieger), beim Essen & Trinken, bei mehreren Comedy-Veranstaltungen, ich war im Theater, Kino und im Museum, außerdem war ich im Urlaub, und Zumba-Tanzen habe ich auch gelernt.
Vom Zumba-Tanzen habe ich ja bereits berichtet, der Rest folgt noch…

Wheelchair Zumba

Thursday, December 27th, 2018

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(Deutsch) Polohunter beim World Club Dome in Frankfurt 2017

Sunday, June 4th, 2017

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Sunday, January 1st, 2017


It’s all a question of hardware…!!!

Today I was on tour with my Minitrac (see older blogposts) for the first time in the snow.

With its tractor tyres it is a perfect technical aid.

Translator BL

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, ….

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016


This is by far the hardest blog I’ve ever written in 8 years. Words cannot express my gratitude!
One year ago today on July 12th, 2015 I barely escaped from the jaws of death.

When I add up everything, that my body came up with (see older blog), it comes to 44 weeks in 4 different hospitals in the Rhine/Main area since July last year.
Although I’m now starting almost where I was eight years ago when I became paralyzed in an accident I won’t complain too much, because I am glad that I am still here at all. (5 % probability of survival is not very much.)
You really don’t want to know everything. There are so many diseases and I am not keen on learning the Latin language this way. From now on, my hand stays down, even if I have to attach a stone to it.

At this point I’d like to express my sincerest gratitude especially to my wife, my parents, my brother, my mother-in-law, the rest of my entire family, the nurses and caretakers, doctors, therapists of the BGU hospital unit K3/K8 and the intensive care unit of the North-West Hospital also in Frankfurt am Main and to all other friends and acquaintances who thought of me, took care of me and still do helped me to get back to life.
At night I had a lot of time to think, and I don’t know how I would have managed without you. One night can be quite long.
I have not enough words to express my gratitude. There is still a long way to go, but keeping my positive attitude and training zeal I will not disappoint you. That I can promise!
Since Friday, July 1st 2016 I am now permanently at home again.
Hopefully, this was my last blog about diseases for the next seven years, when my medi pump has to be replaced again. This topic will be banned from the blog as far as possible.
Even though I’m repeating myself:

Thank you, thank you, thank you…

that you were there for me throughout the past year and still are now.

Translator BW

Addendum Chock Part XIV

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016


Already home for four weeks …!!!

As already reported, after taking a shower in March at home the titanium body of my implanted drug pump suddenly peeped out of my belly. It broke through the abdominal wall and I had to sign myself into the hospital again – after only three weeks of “Home” – Holiday (see older blog).

This time I was in the room next door at the same station as three weeks earlier; they still knew me there.

One could have the impression that I like this hospital food. I do not know what you eat for dinner, but this chef salad that is served every evening as an alternative selection is delicious. We can therefore say that the food there is quite good.

After several days of unsuccessful attempt to change back to oral drugs to eventually get rid of the pump completely, the old and no longer sterile pump including lines was taken out. For two weeks an external pump supplied the meds until in a second surgery a new pump including lines between the vertebrae into the spinal canal was implanted – again at the left side.

(Not bad, that dope!)

Nevertheless, the visits from the hospital pastor, various anesthesiologists and several nurses in the intensive care station, who still knew me from eight years ago, got me thinking.

This pump change or better yet new installation required another five weeks of bed rest, but they went without major complications.

Now I am back home for four weeks and I am already looking forward to the empty batteries in 7 years. That is when I will receive a new pump and new scars. I hope that the location of the pump does not need to be changed. Otherwise, above and below the navel there is still some space left.

When I look at the numerous scars on my neck, belly and back, I should probably reconsider my desired profession as a top model.

Translator BW

Eigude Shame XXIX

Sunday, April 24th, 2016


Unbelievable – or Tough Stuff

A few months ago I was scheduled to be transferred out of the rehab facility in the Taunus (behind the seven hills where the seven dwarfs lived) back to the hospital in Frankfurt from which I came 6 weeks ago. I was to undergo a special examination named Angiography, a procedure during which one can actually watch his or her own brain function live at work. The transfer service was ordered a few days before with the request “sitting in own wheelchair”. I had already had my bags packed the day before (you wouldn’t believe what all accumulates in 6 weeks!) I cleared my small single room for dismissal at 8:00 AM because it would be reassigned right away.

The next morning at 7:20 two nurses stormed into my room and told me slightly stressed that the shuttle would take off half an hour earlier, which was in 10 minutes! Of course, I couldn’t insist on the 2 drivers delaying their contractually assured breakfast break. After a short handling, also called basic care (I felt like at the Pitstop at a Formula 1 race) the transfer service showed up – but of course, with a stretcher. There was not enough room in the vehicle for me sitting in my wheelchair. Oh well, I had “only” told them about five times! Well…uh… bad. After a successful arrival in Frankfurt I was seated back in my wheelchair and the drivers checked me in at the emergency room of the hospital. I waited patiently while the drivers cleared the field. After approximately 10 minutes a staff member approached and mentioned that I was quite early.

My comment: not that bad, 8:45.

She: ONE WEEK!!!

Those “luminaries” from the rehab clinic, whose priority apparently is not the well fare of the patient, kicked me out an entire week early! Fortunately, the hospital had a bed available and granted me asylum for the time being.

Translator BW

Chock Part XV

Friday, February 19th, 2016


Paper chase in district court

Yesterday I had some business at the district court in my hometown Frankfurt. Public buildings should by now be all accessible, but I had to go to building A, an old venerable building from 1889. At that time there wasn’t much concern about accessibility…


So I called in advance and got the information that in order to avoid steps I had to enter though building E to get to building A. First, at security control I had to hand over my set of wrenches, one that every experienced wheelchair driver always has on board. Perhaps I could kill someone or gouge out someone’s eyes?!?

Quelle: Hornbach

So off to building E, into the elevator, up to the 1. floor. Then through the dusty hallways, follow the signs “transition to building A” – almost like in a scavenger hunt! At some point I stood in front of this ramp… positive thought first: there is a ramp, yay! However, it is significantly steeper than the specified 6% according to DIN180 40-1… and also a little steeper than the training course at rehab. Although, I know some wheelies, that would have a blast down this “Rolli slide”!

Then continue the search for the next elevator, back down to the ground floor. Then find the right room… fortunately it was the last door before the next steps.

Somehow we found our way back, but not before landing in a cul-de-sac first ……

Next time I’ll scatter breadcrumbs!!!

Translator BL


Wheelchair expedition Sri Lanka Part III

Friday, May 29th, 2015

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Sport News IV

Monday, April 27th, 2015


I’ve always been passionate about sport, in particular the Olympics of course, even though I’ve never been there at a live event. Summer or winter Olympics, makes no difference to me. In my previous life I was more of a winter sports enthusiast. For evidence click here.

When I was still in the hospital after my accident in 2008 the Paralympics Games in Beijing were shown on big screen TV during my physiotherapy.

I was particularly impressed with the incredibly fast racing wheelchairs, because at that time I was just able to move about 50 yards in less than six minutes in the hospital hallways without my oxygen tent, or without qualified pushes ;-)

Last week I met with the Tunisian racing wheelchair guy Ahmed Aouadi, who participated in the Olympics in 2008 in Beijing and in 2012 in London. He currently trains as a “lone warrior” for Rio de Janeiro 2016 at a sports club close to my home.

Racing wheeler Ahmed Aouadi

It came to the battle…

Ahmed Aouadi with a racing wheelchair vs.

Rollinator (Wheelynator) with a e-handbike

Even with my motorized hand bike under full engine assistance I didn’t stand a chance against Ahmed. If you look closely, you can see that at about 20 km/h (12.5 mph) every now and then he’s waiting for me.

His INVACARE -Racing wheelchair weighs a mere 6 kilograms (13.4 lbs), which equals the weight of one of the two batteries on my bike. Nevertheless, that is no excuse!

My highest respect for such athletic performance!

I’m not giving up that easily! I might be slow in a wheelchair, but I know how to tune engines ;-)

Chock Part XIV

Monday, March 9th, 2015


Frankfurter StraĂźenverkehrsamt (Frankfurt Department of Transportation, FDT)

” finally lowers new “lowered pavement”… !!!

Everybody who is somewhat familiar with Frankfurt am Main knows that the new tram line 17 that was built in the district of Sachsenhausen is running since January.

During the construction months the big intersection Stresemannallee-Kennedyallee, to which I live close by, became an “adventure playground” for people like me.

From the beginning barrier-free construction was planned, of which in the next few years I should benefit greatly. The city of Frankfurt and the Dept. for Public Transportation is currently investing millions for the accessibility, what is absolutely commendable.

However, back in November I was kind of speechless, when I tried to cross the street with the Rolli and couldn’t make it up the “supposedly” lowered curb of one of those main traffic islands.

On the left side the curb was at least 10 cm high and inclined to about 5 cm, so that the Rolli was on three wheels only and I almost unintentionally had to leave my vehicle.

So I went by the running traffic on the bicycle lane next to the island, which was more like a daring challenge for a wheeler…

On the other side of the same island a “specialist” ever so skillfully sawed off a piece of the curb, which made me fear the sharp edge could cause a flat tire.

I approached the construction workers several times and the engineer in charge called me at home to discuss my complaint. He promised to look into the matter, but nothing happened for weeks.

Once in a while I inquired with the Frankfurt StraĂźenverkehrsamt (FDT), but as I now know they were not directly responsible for the traffic island.

By the end of February, the curb unfortunately had not automatically lowered itself; I had a dentist appointment and once again needed to use the intersection.

With some reservations I took the bike lane again, when a car went by so awfully close that I felt its side mirror on my jacket.

That was too much!
With a bit of effort I managed to get a competent clerk of the FDT on the phone and explained to her how dangerous the current status is.
Ten days later I was once again at my “favorite” intersection. Much to my surprise the traffic island had been completely revised. Thanks to Mrs. R. from this sit!

Look at the difference, I am delighted.

The piece of curb “lowered by saw” I will submit to the city as a sample, lol … !!!! ;-)

Because of somebody’s effort, the other side of the curb was also replaced.

In the last few years I have seen time and time again, that everybody can make a difference. If you see deficiencies speak with the people in charge. Often it is easier to change something than you might think.

Click here on “Eigude Shame” for similar stories.

Translator BW


Translator BW

Simply Great Part VII

Friday, January 2nd, 2015

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Crazy Flash XXVI

Monday, December 8th, 2014

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Find of the Week

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2014

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