Posts Tagged ‘Handicap Parking’
Simply Great Part VII
Friday, January 2nd, 2015Technical Aids Tips and Tricks LVIII
Friday, December 19th, 2014Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Eigude Shame XXVI
Sunday, September 15th, 2013Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Politics Part I
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Eigude Shame XXV
Friday, August 2nd, 2013Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Handicap Parking Part III
Thursday, June 27th, 2013Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Friday, May 10th, 2013My friend and author Roberto Sastre (see older blogpost), has discoverd in the Facebook group from New Zealand:
“You’ve got my Car Park, want my Disability too?”
a post about a trend-setting disabled parking place sign with the text of the director of a towing company who got tired of all the silly excuses of the disabled parking place occupiers…
Brilliant… please read below what the group admin and the director of the towing company have to tell
We just received an email from the Director of New Zealand Towing Ltd based in Royal Oak. He has come up with this sign because he was tired of all the silly excuses so listed the 3 most common ones.
He said he was a huge supporter of our page & has even gone out & purchased digital cameras each for all of his Tow Trucks so that they can take photos of cars parked illegally in Mobility Parking Spaces & send them to our page!
He then told us the 6 rules he goes by before towing a person parked in a Mobility Parking Space, they are as follows…..
“1. No pass its towed – charged full price
2. Forgot to display and are abusive – charged full price.
3. Forgot to display and are polite – charged half price (Personal agreement with CCS Royal Oak staff who are just great people)
4. Have good reason why it not displayed – returned FREE OF CHARGE (Again a Personal agreement with CCS Royal oak staff)
Example: Hands crippled with arthritis and 87 year old lady could not open her purse because she forgot to renew her medication which is what she was doing when we towed it away – I paid for taxi to our yard gave her a cup of tea opened her medication bottle so she could be pain free and once she was ok she left at no cost one happy lady. (Yes Towies have hearts….well I do)
5. Expired pass by more than 3 months its towed even if displayed and CCS called to check if new pass issued if they have valid pass but displayed wrong one its a free return but expired pass cut up. If not renewed and just parking on expired pass – charged full price and pass turned in to confetti (I would love to charge double on these rat bags who only had a temp pass but still use 1-5 year old expired pass)
last rule but its more common sense “If vehicle has wheel chair lift access we don’t touch it even if no pass displayed”
Source: Facebook-Group “You’ve got my Car Park, want my Disability too?”
Eigude Shame XXIV
Sunday, January 27th, 2013It is always interesting how my environment is making an effort that my blood pressure doesn’t permanently remain at a low level.
Recently I wanted to go, as it is a Hobbit tradition, to a Punch and Judy show, or rather a show of the Kikiriki Theatre (puppet theatre for adults) in the “Union-Halle” in Frankfurt.
I drove with my car until the gate of the Union premises and asked the gatekeeper (since I am in the wheelchair even gate keepers are usually quite friendly) for admission onto the premises, hoping that I could park near the hall entrance.
He refused in spite of several requests and relegated me to the quite new Union car park which would be located at the rear side of the former brewery ground.
At last a conscientious employee who consequently adheres to his guidelines. He exemplified “Inclusion”, nobody was privileged, to say:
“You’re not coming in!”
I asked him several times if there are disabled parking places. The disabled parking permit behind the windscreen and my wheelchair behind me in the car could hardly be ignored.
When I stood in front of the car park I had to discover with surprise that steel brackets were raised on the two disabled parking places in front of the car park.
It is a mystery to me how you turn down the brackets, maybe I should have tried it with the European disabled toilet key, or with the password “Little bracket duck yourself!”
I don’t know…, I surely don’t have to get out of the car before, any ideas? Please write a comment.
If I have seen it correctly there are two stairs at the entrance/exit of the new car park, these are nice to look at for a wheelchair user like me, but the usage of the car park is therefore very limited.
I found a suitable parking place on the other side of the street.
After I got out of the car at last and sat in my wheelchair again I missed a lowered curb nearby.
I rolled on the street to the alleged rear entrance of the Union premises which wasn’t exactly safe, there my wife helped me over the curb between the parking cars.
Then… I stood in front of it,… a beautiful steep concrete staircase with seven stairs, I was quite speechless, and this happens very rarely.
I could imagine that the usage of the staircase with the missing handrails has already caused difficulties for some partially walking disabled guest of the “King Kamehameha Club” which is located on the same premises
I assumed that there might be an underground access from the car park to the premises, why the gatekeeper should have sent me there otherwise? This was not the case.
In the end my called-up companions (we were a group with theatre tickets) carried me up the stairs. I hate these soaring flights…!!!
I spared myself to point out to the gatekeeper his “great advice” with the car park. Was probably better for both sides.
When I finally stood in front of the entrance of the hall I wasn’t too surprised about the aluminium ramp because I had used it once four years ago, however I was hoping that it maybe had flattened a bit in the meantime…
The ramp winter service probably had its company holidays this week, otherwise the ice and snow on the 25° ramp (max. 6% gradient are normal) are not explicable.
With combined pushing efforts I arrived upstairs at the entrance after all.
It reminded me a bit of a ski jump!
After this precedent “expedition” my laughter to the jokes in the theatre was a bit more modest. I was thinking already about my way back.
After the show my companions decided with me that it would be saver to carry me down the entrance stairs instead of using the “jump” again.
With such training conditions we should consider to introduce wheelchair ski jumping at the Paralympic winter games!
A contact approach with a person in charge is in process
Click on tag “ramp” to read other nice stories.
Translator BL
Addendum Worth Reading Crazy Flash XVIII
Saturday, January 12th, 2013Sorry, this entry is only available in Deutsch.
Winter tip
Monday, December 10th, 2012Prepare – put salt on the ground BEFORE the snow falls!
2 years ago I had the biggest difficulties in winter to get from my wheelchair into the car.
After the snow fell, it froze on the ground to a single layer of ice right next to my door. This caused my wheelchair during transfer to constantly slip which was terrible
After my friends had removed the ice shelf next to my “Ferrari”, came the nice men from the county road service to clean the street and pushed a mountain of snow right next to my car.
So I still could not get in to the car!!!!!
Before the next snow fall I had all of a sudden salt already laying there next to my door for immediate defrosting. Miraculously, the salt seems to be falling from the sky, as there is hardly ever any ice and snow on the road next to my “Pole”…!!!!!
Translator BW
Eigude Shame XXI
Wednesday, November 28th, 2012Thursday evening it was time again; the weather god decided that it was about time to extensively wash the cars.
When I eventually arrived home with my car I noticed with pleasure that a van was standing on my personal parking place and kept the tagged disabled symbol dry.
I stopped with my car on the street in the restricted parking area and took some photos first. Then I wanted to call my wife in the flat to plan the next “steps”.
Suddenly I heard a distinct Yeeessss…!!!
A nice lady in blue uniform from the Frankfurt city police was standing next to my driver’s door and probably wanted to point out that my parking place was maybe somehow inappropriate.
I replied with a Yeeesss… as well and pointed out to the lady that my personalized parking place was currently not available, but apparently a note was lying inside the front screen.
The lady immediately took care of the challenge (I have cancelled the word “problem” from my vocabulary already some years ago).
The note read as follows:
I am pregnant!!!
… and a mobile phone number.
The lady from the city police – and her blood pressure seemed to rise as well – let her head office call the number.
Her comment: I am working for the city and not for the telecom!!!
Then she issued a 35 € disabled parking place special use rent ticket.
When she came to me and told me that the call was rejected when calling the disabled parking place occupier we decided jointly to tow away the car!!!
Just before the tow truck was called the lady with the supposed future earth-dweller came back to her car and had to pick up a blow-up from the lady in uniform first. I stayed really calm this time, which has not always been the case (see older blogpost) and just asked the lady how I should have read her note up on the dashboard of her van.
Thereupon the reply: You are right… oh well…!!!
When the bus driver departed I heard the following comment from my new friend:
Pregnancy is a condition and not a sickness.
Let alone a handicap!!!
If labour would have begun early I would possibly still sit in the car in the rain.
Translator BL
Worldwide App for Disabled Toilets!!!
Wednesday, September 12th, 2012One of the main issues for us wheelers is the question, where is the next disabled toilet.
As pedestrian it is hardly imaginable that trips into the wild have to be planned from loo to loo.
For many wheelers the question of the next toilet is rather the biggest handicap, and many don’t dare to leave home for this reason!!!
Ingenious…!!! Finally it is available, the
Worldwide Google Disabled Toilet Finder App

Source photo:
There you can display worldwide with Google the nearest disabled toilet on the street map.
I know my hometown Frankfurt very well, but I would never have thought that there are so many disabled toilets in the city center.
This is awesome… Post, post, post…
Because this app or website is interactive as well you can also comment on the disabled toilets, if e.g. there is a narrow door, or add not known disabled toilets.
The option to display disabled parking places exists, but there have to be added some 1000 existing parking places.
I am asking all readers to make this website known:
Post the Link on Facebook, other social media,… or wherever:
or my blogpost:
Thanks in advance!!
I have found a similar website from a manufacturer of Australian public designer toilets for Australia and New Zealand:
Translator BL
Eigude Shame XVI
Friday, June 8th, 2012Yesterday, after a long time, I wanted to see a movie at the cinema with my wife.
The seat reservation proved to be a little difficult because this was only possible online, and although you could click on the “one” wheelchair place nothing happened.
I tried to call the cinema several times and learned that after around 30 times ringing you get kicked out the line by the telephone system.
We reserved the two seats next to the wheelchair place (apparently the places were next to each other) and drove with the car to the cinema.
Surprisingly there were actually all two disabled parking places at the rear exit vacant, whereas on one two pedestrians with lots of tools were standing who immediately made room for my “parking”.
I turned my car in a one-way-street and parked the wrong way round because at the pavement side getting off the car is hardly possible for me even with assistance, and my wheelchair loading system is not working properly.
For this purpose I made up an additional “permit card” so that our friendly officers hopefully won’t find a new parking place for me.
“Due to wheelchair loading system parking in opposite direction of travel.”
In the meantime a hired minivan arrived, parked on the other disabled parking place, and the two guys stored away their tools. I didn’t say anything, the loading couldn’t last forever.
At the cinema box office I got the explanation that it was possible to book the wheelchair place online, but sometimes it wouldn’t work. Great…!!
Nevermind, we just had to pay for one ticket, and the wheelchair place was still available.
At half height in the cinema, nobody directly in front, that’s quite nice.
The seat numbers were a bit strange, seat 13 and seat 91, but that would be right.
Some construction engineer has excelled himself. It was probably built according to the latest EU directive for inclusion (equal treatment of handicapped and non-handicapped). Ingenious, our own
wheelchair waiting zone in the cinema.
Praiseworthy, the emergency telephone on the wall and the spacious place directly next to an emergency exit.
Please note the especially high raised
which also prevents rigorously undesirable conversations with the companion during the movie.
There was actually just a wall between us and a romantic cinema date.
The movie was great, it even had a guy in a wheelchair.
It played in a country where traditionally fried, amputated amphibian extremities are eaten*.
When I was back at my car I was a little bit annoyed that the minivan was still standing on the second disabled parking place.
I know that the fire protection requirements in a cinema are strict, but
I am still a little unclear about what I should actually wait for in the waiting zone, there was not even anybody coming to sell ice cream.
*France, (frog’s legs)
Translator BL